Go to the documentation of this file.
203 * If the problem type requires the use of variable pricers, these pricers should be activated with calls
204 * to SCIPactivatePricer(). These pricers are automatically deactivated, when the problem is freed.
215 SCIP_HASHMAP* consmap, /**< a hashmap to store the mapping of source constraints to the corresponding
233 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobCreate(prob, blkmem, set, name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE) );
238 SCIP_CALL( sourceprob->probcopy(set->scip, sourcescip, sourceprob->probdata, varmap, consmap, &targetdata, original, global, &result) );
267 * If the problem type requires the use of variable pricers, these pricers should be activated with calls
268 * to SCIPactivatePricer(). These pricers are automatically deactivated, when the problem is freed.
276 SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS ((*probtrans)), /**< creates user data of transformed problem by transforming original user data */
278 SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL ((*probinitsol)), /**< solving process initialization method of transformed data */
279 SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL ((*probexitsol)), /**< solving process deinitialization method of transformed data */
280 SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY ((*probcopy)), /**< copies user data if you want to copy it to a subscip, or NULL */
361/** sets callback to create user data of transformed problem by transforming original user data */
364 SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS ((*probtrans)) /**< creates user data of transformed problem by transforming original user data */
386 SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL ((*probinitsol)) /**< solving process initialization callback of transformed data */
397 SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL ((*probexitsol)) /**< solving process deinitialization callback of transformed data */
408 SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY ((*probcopy)) /**< copies user data if you want to copy it to a subscip, or NULL */
485 SCIPmessageFPrintWarning(messagehdlr, "%s variable <%s> not released when freeing SCIP problem <%s>.\n",
486 (*prob)->transformed ? "Transformed" : "Original", SCIPvarGetName((*prob)->vars[v]), SCIPprobGetName(*prob));
504 SCIPmessageFPrintWarning(messagehdlr, "%s variable <%s> not released when freeing SCIP problem <%s>.\n",
505 (*prob)->transformed ? "Transformed" : "Original", SCIPvarGetName((*prob)->fixedvars[v]), SCIPprobGetName(*prob));
566 /* create target problem data (probdelorig and probtrans are not needed, probdata is set later) */
568 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobCreate(target, blkmem, set, transname, source->probdelorig, source->probtrans, source->probdeltrans,
584 SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarTransform(source->vars[v], blkmem, set, stat, source->objsense, &targetvar) );
585 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobAddVar(*target, blkmem, set, lp, branchcand, eventfilter, eventqueue, targetvar) );
616 /* objective value is always integral, iff original objective value is always integral and shift is integral */
617 (*target)->objisintegral = source->objisintegral && SCIPsetIsIntegral(set, (*target)->objoffset);
619 /* check, whether objective value is always integral by inspecting the problem, if it is the case adjust the
622 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(*target, source, blkmem, set, stat, primal, tree, reopt, lp, eventfilter, eventqueue) );
631 SCIP_CALL( SCIPconflictstoreTransform(conflictstore, blkmem, set, stat, tree, *target, reopt) );
636/** resets the global and local bounds of original variables in original problem to their original values */
657/** (Re)Sort the variables, which appear in the four categories (binary, integer, implicit, continuous) after presolve
658 * with respect to their original index (within their categories). Adjust the problem index afterwards which is
659 * supposed to reflect the position in the variable array. This additional (re)sorting is supposed to get more robust
660 * against the order presolving fixed variables. (We also reobtain a possible block structure induced by the user
710 SCIPdebugMessage("Variable: Problem index <%d>, original index <%d> \n", vars[v]->probindex, vars[v]->index);
775 /* original variables cannot go into transformed problem and transformed variables cannot go into original problem */
829 || (SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_INTEGER && insertpos == prob->nbinvars + prob->nintvars - 1)
830 || (SCIPvarGetType(var) == SCIP_VARTYPE_IMPLINT && insertpos == prob->nbinvars + prob->nintvars + prob->nimplvars - 1)
892 /* move last binary, last integer, last implicit, and last continuous variable forward to fill the free slot */
932 /* inform the variable that it is no longer in the problem; if necessary, delete it from the implication graph */
988 /* original variables cannot go into transformed problem and transformed variables cannot go into original problem */
1019 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "added variable <%s> to problem (%d variables: %d binary, %d integer, %d implicit, %d continuous)\n",
1020 SCIPvarGetName(var), prob->nvars, prob->nbinvars, prob->nintvars, prob->nimplvars, prob->ncontvars);
1028 SCIP_CALL( SCIPeventqueueAdd(eventqueue, blkmem, set, NULL, NULL, NULL, eventfilter, &event) );
1033 /* SCIP assumes that the status of objisintegral does not change after transformation. Thus, the objective of all
1035 assert( SCIPsetGetStage(set) == SCIP_STAGE_TRANSFORMING || ! prob->objisintegral || SCIPsetIsZero(set, SCIPvarGetObj(var)) ||
1042/** marks variable to be removed from the problem; however, the variable is NOT removed from the constraints */
1049 SCIP_Bool* deleted /**< pointer to store whether marking variable to be deleted was successful */
1068 /* don't remove the direct counterpart of an original variable from the transformed problem, because otherwise
1076 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "deleting variable <%s> from problem (%d variables: %d binary, %d integer, %d implicit, %d continuous)\n",
1077 SCIPvarGetName(var), prob->nvars, prob->nbinvars, prob->nintvars, prob->nimplvars, prob->ncontvars);
1093 /* remember that the variable should be deleted from the problem in SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions() */
1121 * do this only in solving stage, in presolving, it is already handled by the constraint handlers
1258 /* variable switched from unfixed to fixed (if it was fixed before, probindex would have been -1) */
1387/** releases and removes constraint from the problem; if the user has not captured the constraint for his own use, the
1489 SCIPdebugMessage("adding %g to objective offset %g: new offset = %g\n", addval, prob->objoffset, prob->objoffset + addval);
1504/** sets limit on objective function, such that only solutions better than this limit are accepted */
1515/** informs the problem, that its objective value is always integral in every feasible solution */
1525/** sets integral objective value flag, if all variables with non-zero objective values are integral and have
1526 * integral objective value and also updates the cutoff bound if primal solution is already known
1552 /* if there exist unknown variables, we cannot conclude that the objective value is always integral */
1569 /* if variable's objective value is fractional, the problem's objective value may also be fractional */
1573 /* if variable with non-zero objective value is continuous, the problem's objective value may be fractional */
1584 /* update upper bound and cutoff bound in primal data structure due to new internality information */
1585 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalUpdateObjoffset(primal, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp) );
1698 SCIP_CALL( SCIPcalcIntegralScalar(objvals, nints, -SCIPsetEpsilon(set), +SCIPsetEpsilon(set), OBJSCALE_MAXDNOM, OBJSCALE_MAXSCALE,
1701 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "integral objective scalar: success=%u, intscalar=%g\n", success, intscalar);
1730 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "integral objective scalar: gcd=%" SCIP_LONGINT_FORMAT ", intscalar=%g\n", gcd, intscalar);
1755 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, " -> var <%s>: newobj = %.6f\n", SCIPvarGetName(transprob->vars[v]), objvals[v]);
1756 SCIP_CALL( SCIPvarChgObj(transprob->vars[v], blkmem, set, transprob, primal, lp, eventqueue, objvals[v]) );
1764 SCIP_CALL( SCIPprimalUpdateObjoffset(primal, blkmem, set, stat, eventfilter, eventqueue, transprob, origprob, tree, reopt, lp) );
1800 SCIPstatComputeRootLPBestEstimate(stat, set, SCIPlpGetColumnObjval(lp), prob->vars, prob->nbinvars + prob->nintvars + prob->nimplvars);
1804/** remembers the best solution w.r.t. root reduced cost propagation as root solution in the problem variables */
1897 /* update the current solution as best root solution in the problem variables if it is better */
1902/** informs problem, that the presolving process was finished, and updates all internal data structures */ /*lint -e715*/
1911/** initializes problem for branch and bound process and resets all constraint's ages and histories of current run */
1946/** deinitializes problem after branch and bound process, and converts all COLUMN variables back into LOOSE variables */
1984 /* invalidate root reduced cost, root reduced solution, and root LP objective value for each variable */
1998 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "queue relaxation-only variable <%s> for deletion\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
2004 SCIPsetDebugMsg(set, "cannot queue relaxation-only variable <%s> for deletion because it is marked non-deletable\n", SCIPvarGetName(var));
2035/** returns the number of implicit binary variables, meaning variable of vartype != SCIP_VARTYPE_BINARY and !=
2038 * @note this number needs to be computed, because it cannot be updated like the other counters for binary and integer
2039 * variables, each time the variable type changes(, we would need to update this counter each time a global bound
2040 * changes), even at the end of presolving this cannot be computed, because some variable can change to an
2103 * @note currently, this is only used for statistics and printed after the solving process. if this information is
2104 * needed during the (pre)solving process this should be implemented more efficiently, e.g., updating the minimal
2130 * @note currently, this is only used for statistics and printed after the solving process. if this information is
2131 * needed during the (pre)solving process this should be implemented more efficiently, e.g., updating the maximal
2175 return (SCIP_Real)transprob->objsense * transprob->objscale * (objval + transprob->objoffset) + origprob->objoffset;
2197 return (SCIP_Real)transprob->objsense * (objval - origprob->objoffset)/transprob->objscale - transprob->objoffset;
2211 SCIPerrorMessage("Cannot find variable if variable-names hashtable was disabled (due to parameter <misc/usevartable>)\n");
2230 SCIPerrorMessage("Cannot find constraint if constraint-names hashtable was disabled (due to parameter <misc/useconstable>)\n");
2271 SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(messagehdlr, file, " Variables : %d (%d binary, %d integer, %d implicit integer, %d continuous)\n",
2273 SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(messagehdlr, file, " Constraints : %d initial, %d maximal\n", prob->startnconss, prob->maxnconss);
2274 SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(messagehdlr, file, " Objective : %s, %d non-zeros (abs.min = %g, abs.max = %g)\n",
2275 !prob->transformed ? (prob->objsense == SCIP_OBJSENSE_MINIMIZE ? "minimize" : "maximize") : "minimize",
2276 SCIPprobGetNObjVars(prob, set), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(prob, set), SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(prob, set));
2355/** returns TRUE iff all columns, i.e. every variable with non-empty column w.r.t. all ever created rows, are present
2356 * in the LP, and FALSE, if there are additional already existing columns, that may be added to the LP in pricing
2378 return prob->objlim >= SCIP_INVALID ? (SCIP_Real)(prob->objsense) * SCIPsetInfinity(set) : prob->objlim;
2554/** enable problem compression, i.e., constraints can reduce memory size by removing fixed variables during creation */
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchcandRemoveVar(SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: branch.c:1119
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchcandUpdateVar(SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: branch.c:1136
internal methods for branching rules and branching candidate storage
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflictstoreTransform(SCIP_CONFLICTSTORE *conflictstore, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_REOPT *reopt)
Definition: conflictstore.c:1485
internal methods for storing conflicts
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconsAddLocks(SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LOCKTYPE locktype, int nlockspos, int nlocksneg)
Definition: cons.c:7378
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconsDeactivate(SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:6900
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrLockVars(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cons.c:4167
Definition: cons.c:7277
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconsTransform(SCIP_CONS *origcons, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONS **transcons)
Definition: cons.c:6539
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconsRelease(SCIP_CONS **cons, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cons.c:6266
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrUnlockVars(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cons.c:4182
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconsActivate(SCIP_CONS *cons, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, int depth, SCIP_Bool focusnode)
Definition: cons.c:6858
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrDelVars(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:4136
internal methods for constraints and constraint handlers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventCreateVarAdded(SCIP_EVENT **event, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: event.c:526
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventqueueAdd(SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENT **event)
Definition: event.c:2240
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventCreateVarDeleted(SCIP_EVENT **event, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: event.c:544
internal methods for managing events
SCIP_Bool SCIPhashtableExists(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:2662
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashtableCreate(SCIP_HASHTABLE **hashtable, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, int tablesize, SCIP_DECL_HASHGETKEY((*hashgetkey)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYEQ((*hashkeyeq)), SCIP_DECL_HASHKEYVAL((*hashkeyval)), void *userptr)
Definition: misc.c:2299
void * SCIPhashtableRetrieve(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *key)
Definition: misc.c:2611
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashtableRemove(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:2680
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPhashtableInsert(SCIP_HASHTABLE *hashtable, void *element)
Definition: misc.c:2550
SCIP_Longint SCIPcalcGreComDiv(SCIP_Longint val1, SCIP_Longint val2)
Definition: misc.c:9124
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcalcIntegralScalar(SCIP_Real *vals, int nvals, SCIP_Real mindelta, SCIP_Real maxdelta, SCIP_Longint maxdnom, SCIP_Real maxscale, SCIP_Real *intscalar, SCIP_Bool *success)
Definition: misc.c:9560
SCIP_Bool SCIPconshdlrNeedsCons(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5160
void SCIPvarSetBestRootSol(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Real rootsol, SCIP_Real rootredcost, SCIP_Real rootlpobjval)
Definition: var.c:13867
SCIP_Bool SCIPvarIsTransformedOrigvar(SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: var.c:12881
void SCIPsortPtr(void **ptrarray, SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), int len)
void SCIPlpStoreRootObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: lp.c:13178
Definition: lp.c:14028
SCIP_Real SCIPlpGetObjval(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: lp.c:13119
Definition: lp.c:14049
SCIP_Real SCIPcolGetRedcost(SCIP_COL *col, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: lp.c:3949
void SCIPlpSetRootLPIsRelax(SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Bool isrelax)
Definition: lp.c:17719
internal methods for LP management
void SCIPmessageFPrintWarning(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: message.c:451
void SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: message.c:618
void SCIPmessagePrintInfo(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: message.c:594
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprimalUpdateObjoffset(SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: primal.c:471
internal methods for collecting primal CIP solutions and primal informations
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobScaleObj(SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: prob.c:1646
void SCIPprobPrintStatistics(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file)
Definition: prob.c:2261
static SCIP_RETCODE probEnsureVarsMem(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: prob.c:70
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobExitPresolve(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: prob.c:1903
void SCIPprobSetTrans(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS((*probtrans)))
Definition: prob.c:362
void SCIPprobUpdateNObjVars(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real oldobj, SCIP_Real newobj)
Definition: prob.c:1592
Definition: prob.c:1282
void SCIPprobSetInitsol(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL((*probinitsol)))
Definition: prob.c:384
Definition: prob.c:939
static SCIP_RETCODE probRemoveVar(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: prob.c:845
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobAddVar(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: prob.c:970
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobVarChangedStatus(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: prob.c:1224
SCIP_Real SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: prob.c:2107
static SCIP_RETCODE probEnsureConssMem(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: prob.c:142
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand)
Definition: prob.c:1104
void SCIPprobSetExitsol(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL((*probexitsol)))
Definition: prob.c:395
SCIP_Real SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: prob.c:2134
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobRemoveVarName(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_VAR *var)
Definition: prob.c:955
static SCIP_RETCODE probEnsureFixedvarsMem(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: prob.c:94
void SCIPprobUpdateDualbound(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_Real newbound)
Definition: prob.c:1609
Definition: prob.c:1912
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobTransform(SCIP_PROB *source, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CONFLICTSTORE *conflictstore, SCIP_PROB **target)
Definition: prob.c:536
void SCIPprobPrintPseudoSol(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
Definition: prob.c:2239
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobSetName(SCIP_PROB *prob, const char *name)
Definition: prob.c:2022
void SCIPprobSetDeltrans(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS((*probdeltrans)))
Definition: prob.c:373
void SCIPprobAddObjoffset(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_Real addval)
Definition: prob.c:1481
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_TREE *tree, SCIP_REOPT *reopt, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_EVENTFILTER *eventfilter, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue)
Definition: prob.c:1528
void SCIPprobSetCopy(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY((*probcopy)))
Definition: prob.c:406
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobExitSolve(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Bool restart)
Definition: prob.c:1947
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobCreate(SCIP_PROB **prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG((*probdelorig)), SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS((*probtrans)), SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS((*probdeltrans)), SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL((*probinitsol)), SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL((*probexitsol)), SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY((*probcopy)), SCIP_PROBDATA *probdata, SCIP_Bool transformed)
Definition: prob.c:270
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobDelVar(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool *deleted)
Definition: prob.c:1043
void SCIPprobEnableConsCompression(SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: prob.c:2555
SCIP_CONS * SCIPprobFindCons(SCIP_PROB *prob, const char *name)
Definition: prob.c:2220
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobRemoveConsName(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: prob.c:1297
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobDelCons(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_CONS *cons)
Definition: prob.c:1390
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobChgVarType(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_BRANCHCAND *branchcand, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_VARTYPE vartype)
Definition: prob.c:1175
static SCIP_RETCODE probEnsureDeletedvarsMem(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, int num)
Definition: prob.c:118
SCIP_Real SCIPprobExternObjval(SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real objval)
Definition: prob.c:2157
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobFree(SCIP_PROB **prob, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: prob.c:417
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobCopy(SCIP_PROB **prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP *sourcescip, SCIP_PROB *sourceprob, SCIP_HASHMAP *varmap, SCIP_HASHMAP *consmap, SCIP_Bool original, SCIP_Bool global)
Definition: prob.c:206
Definition: prob.c:1319
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPprobResetBounds(SCIP_PROB *prob, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: prob.c:637
void SCIPprobSetDualbound(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_Real dualbound)
Definition: prob.c:1494
void SCIPprobStoreRootSol(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Bool roothaslp)
Definition: prob.c:1778
void SCIPprobSetDelorig(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG((*probdelorig)))
Definition: prob.c:351
SCIP_Bool SCIPprobAllColsInLP(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: prob.c:2358
void SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: prob.c:1805
SCIP_Bool SCIPprobIsConsCompressionEnabled(SCIP_PROB *prob)
Definition: prob.c:2545
void SCIPprobSetObjsense(SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_OBJSENSE objsense)
Definition: prob.c:1468
SCIP_Real SCIPprobInternObjval(SCIP_PROB *transprob, SCIP_PROB *origprob, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real objval)
Definition: prob.c:2179
internal methods for storing and manipulating the main problem
public methods for managing constraints
public methods for LP management
public methods for message output
public data structures and miscellaneous methods
methods for sorting joint arrays of various types
public methods for problem variables
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6597
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6940
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6221
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6239
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6929
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6275
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6740
internal methods for global SCIP settings
void SCIPstatComputeRootLPBestEstimate(SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real rootlpobjval, SCIP_VAR **vars, int nvars)
Definition: stat.c:776
internal methods for problem statistics
Definition: struct_branch.h:47
Definition: struct_implics.h:98
Definition: struct_lp.h:136
Definition: struct_conflictstore.h:46
Definition: struct_cons.h:47
Definition: struct_event.h:189
Definition: struct_event.h:224
Definition: struct_event.h:162
Definition: struct_misc.h:138
Definition: struct_lp.h:270
Definition: struct_message.h:46
Definition: struct_primal.h:47
Definition: struct_prob.h:49
Definition: struct_reopt.h:140
Definition: struct_set.h:74
Definition: struct_stat.h:60
Definition: struct_tree.h:185
Definition: struct_var.h:208
Definition: struct_scip.h:70
datastructures for constraints and constraint handlers
data structures for LP management
datastructures for storing and manipulating the main problem
datastructures for global SCIP settings
datastructures for problem statistics
datastructures for problem variables
Definition: heur_padm.c:135
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarRemove(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_CLIQUETABLE *cliquetable, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool final)
Definition: var.c:6059
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarResetBounds(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: var.c:9230
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarChgObj(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_Real newobj)
Definition: var.c:6264
SCIP_Real SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool varfixing, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:13488
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarTransform(SCIP_VAR *origvar, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_OBJSENSE objsense, SCIP_VAR **transvar)
Definition: var.c:3461
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarRelease(SCIP_VAR **var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:2872
void SCIPvarStoreRootSol(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_Bool roothaslp)
Definition: var.c:13289
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarChgType(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRIMAL *primal, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_VARTYPE vartype)
Definition: var.c:6178
void SCIPvarUpdateBestRootSol(SCIP_VAR *var, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real rootsol, SCIP_Real rootredcost, SCIP_Real rootlpobjval)
Definition: var.c:13300
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPvarLoose(SCIP_VAR *var, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTQUEUE *eventqueue, SCIP_PROB *prob, SCIP_LP *lp)
Definition: var.c:3613
internal methods for problem variables