Detailed Description
main problem to solve
Definition at line 48 of file struct_prob.h.
#include <struct_prob.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY ((*probcopy)) | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG ((*probdelorig)) | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS ((*probtrans)) | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS ((*probdeltrans)) | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL ((*probinitsol)) | |
SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL ((*probexitsol)) | |
Data Fields | |
SCIP_Real | objoffset |
SCIP_Real | objscale |
SCIP_Real | objlim |
SCIP_Real | dualbound |
char * | name |
SCIP_PROBDATA * | probdata |
SCIP_HASHTABLE * | varnames |
SCIP_VAR ** | vars |
SCIP_VAR ** | fixedvars |
SCIP_VAR ** | deletedvars |
SCIP_HASHTABLE * | consnames |
SCIP_CONS ** | conss |
SCIP_CONS ** | origcheckconss |
int | varssize |
int | nvars |
int | nbinvars |
int | nintvars |
int | nimplvars |
int | ncontvars |
int | ncolvars |
int | fixedvarssize |
int | nfixedvars |
int | deletedvarssize |
int | ndeletedvars |
int | nobjvars |
int | consssize |
int | nconss |
int | maxnconss |
int | startnvars |
int | startnconss |
SCIP_OBJSENSE | objsense |
SCIP_Bool | objisintegral |
SCIP_Bool | transformed |
SCIP_Bool | nlpenabled |
SCIP_Bool | permuted |
SCIP_Bool | consschecksorted |
SCIP_Bool | conscompression |
Member Function Documentation
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBCOPY | ( | * | probcopy | ) |
copies user data if you want to copy it to a subscip, or NULL
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBDELORIG | ( | * | probdelorig | ) |
frees user data of original problem
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBTRANS | ( | * | probtrans | ) |
creates user data of transformed problem by transforming original user data
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBDELTRANS | ( | * | probdeltrans | ) |
frees user data of transformed problem
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBINITSOL | ( | * | probinitsol | ) |
solving process initialization method of transformed data
SCIP_Prob::SCIP_DECL_PROBEXITSOL | ( | * | probexitsol | ) |
solving process deinitialization method of transformed data
Field Documentation
◆ objoffset
SCIP_Real SCIP_Prob::objoffset |
objective offset from bound shifting and fixing (fixed vars result)
Definition at line 50 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddObjoffset(), SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(), SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobGetObjoffset(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPsolCreateOriginal(), and SCIPsolRetransform().
◆ objscale
SCIP_Real SCIP_Prob::objscale |
scalar applied to objective function; external objective value is extobj = objsense * objscale * (intobj + objoffset)
Definition at line 51 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobGetObjscale(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPvarAddObj(), and SCIPvarChgObj().
◆ objlim
SCIP_Real SCIP_Prob::objlim |
objective limit as external value (original problem space)
Definition at line 53 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobGetObjlim(), SCIPprobSetObjlim(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ dualbound
SCIP_Real SCIP_Prob::dualbound |
dual bound as external value (original problem space) which is given or update during presolving
Definition at line 54 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobInvalidateDualbound(), SCIPprobSetDualbound(), SCIPprobTransform(), and SCIPprobUpdateDualbound().
◆ name
char* SCIP_Prob::name |
problem name
Definition at line 55 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobGetName(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobSetName(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ probdata
SCIP_PROBDATA* SCIP_Prob::probdata |
user problem data set by the reader
Definition at line 62 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobCopy(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobGetData(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobSetData(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ varnames
SCIP_HASHTABLE* SCIP_Prob::varnames |
hash table storing variable's names
Definition at line 63 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddVarName(), SCIPprobFindVar(), and SCIPprobRemoveVarName().
◆ vars
SCIP_VAR** SCIP_Prob::vars |
array with active variables ordered binary, integer, implicit, continuous
Definition at line 64 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by conflictAnalyzeLP(), initLP(), probEnsureVarsMem(), probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), recomputeGlbPseudoObjectiveValue(), recomputeLooseObjectiveValue(), recomputePseudoObjectiveValue(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeRemainingBdchgs(), SCIPconflictInit(), SCIPlpRecomputeLocalAndGlobalPseudoObjval(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetNImplBinVars(), SCIPprobGetNObjVars(), SCIPprobGetVars(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobPrintPseudoSol(), SCIPprobResetBounds(), SCIPprobResortVars(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), SCIPprobTransform(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPsolPrint(), SCIPsolPrintRay(), SCIPsolRecomputeObj(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPsolRound(), SCIPsolsAreEqual(), SCIPsolUnlink(), SCIPsolUpdateVarsum(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), and updatePrimalRay().
◆ fixedvars
SCIP_VAR** SCIP_Prob::fixedvars |
array with fixed and aggregated variables
Definition at line 65 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureFixedvarsMem(), SCIPprobGetFixedVars(), SCIPprobVarChangedStatus(), SCIPsolPrint(), and SCIPsolPrintRay().
◆ deletedvars
SCIP_VAR** SCIP_Prob::deletedvars |
array to temporarily store deleted variables
Definition at line 66 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureDeletedvarsMem(), SCIPprobDelVar(), and SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions().
◆ consnames
SCIP_HASHTABLE* SCIP_Prob::consnames |
hash table storing constraints' names
Definition at line 67 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddConsName(), SCIPprobFindCons(), and SCIPprobRemoveConsName().
◆ conss
SCIP_CONS** SCIP_Prob::conss |
array with constraints of the problem
Definition at line 68 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureConssMem(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobDelCons(), SCIPprobGetConss(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobSortConssCheck(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ origcheckconss
SCIP_CONS** SCIP_Prob::origcheckconss |
array to store original constraints sorted w.r.t. check priority (or NULL)
Definition at line 69 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureConssMem(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobDelCons(), SCIPprobSortConssCheck(), and SCIPsolCheckOrig().
◆ varssize
int SCIP_Prob::varssize |
available slots in vars array
Definition at line 70 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureVarsMem(), and probInsertVar().
◆ nvars
int SCIP_Prob::nvars |
number of active variables in the problem (used slots in vars array)
Definition at line 71 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by conflictAnalyzeLP(), conflictCalcMaxsize(), createAndAddProofcons(), initLP(), probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), recomputeGlbPseudoObjectiveValue(), recomputeLooseObjectiveValue(), recomputePseudoObjectiveValue(), SCIPconflictAnalyzePseudo(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeRemainingBdchgs(), SCIPconflictInit(), SCIPlpRecomputeLocalAndGlobalPseudoObjval(), SCIPlpSolveAndEval(), SCIPlpSumRows(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobAllColsInLP(), SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobGetAbsMaxObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetAbsMinObjCoef(), SCIPprobGetNObjVars(), SCIPprobGetNVars(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobMarkNConss(), SCIPprobPrintPseudoSol(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobResetBounds(), SCIPprobResortVars(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), SCIPprobTransform(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPprobVarChangedStatus(), SCIPsolCheck(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPsolPrint(), SCIPsolPrintRay(), SCIPsolRecomputeObj(), SCIPsolRetransform(), SCIPsolsAreEqual(), SCIPsolUnlink(), SCIPsolUpdateVarsum(), SCIPsolveCIP(), SCIPundoBdchgsProof(), solveNode(), and updatePrimalRay().
◆ nbinvars
int SCIP_Prob::nbinvars |
number of binary variables
Definition at line 72 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobGetNBinVars(), SCIPprobGetNImplBinVars(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobResortVars(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), and SCIPsolRound().
◆ nintvars
int SCIP_Prob::nintvars |
number of general integer variables
Definition at line 73 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobGetNImplBinVars(), SCIPprobGetNIntVars(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobResortVars(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), and SCIPsolRound().
◆ nimplvars
int SCIP_Prob::nimplvars |
number of implicit integer variables
Definition at line 74 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobGetNImplBinVars(), SCIPprobGetNImplVars(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobResortVars(), and SCIPprobStoreRootSol().
◆ ncontvars
int SCIP_Prob::ncontvars |
number of continuous variables
Definition at line 75 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by conflictCalcMaxsize(), probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), propAndSolve(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobGetNContVars(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobResortVars(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPsolveCIP(), and solveNode().
◆ ncolvars
int SCIP_Prob::ncolvars |
number of variables with attached column information
Definition at line 76 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by priceAndCutLoop(), probInsertVar(), probRemoveVar(), SCIPpriceLoop(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPprobAllColsInLP(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobVarChangedStatus(), and solveNodeLP().
◆ fixedvarssize
int SCIP_Prob::fixedvarssize |
available slots in fixedvars array
Definition at line 77 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureFixedvarsMem().
◆ nfixedvars
int SCIP_Prob::nfixedvars |
number of fixed and aggregated variables in the problem
Definition at line 78 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobGetNFixedVars(), SCIPprobResetBounds(), SCIPprobVarChangedStatus(), SCIPsolPrint(), and SCIPsolPrintRay().
◆ deletedvarssize
int SCIP_Prob::deletedvarssize |
available slots in deletedvars array
Definition at line 79 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureDeletedvarsMem().
◆ ndeletedvars
int SCIP_Prob::ndeletedvars |
number of deleted variables in the problem
Definition at line 80 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobDelVar(), and SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions().
◆ nobjvars
int SCIP_Prob::nobjvars |
number of variables with a non-zero objective coefficient
Definition at line 81 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobGetNObjVars(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), and SCIPprobUpdateNObjVars().
◆ consssize
int SCIP_Prob::consssize |
available slots in conss array
Definition at line 82 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probEnsureConssMem(), and SCIPprobSortConssCheck().
◆ nconss
int SCIP_Prob::nconss |
number of constraints in the problem (number of used slots in conss array)
Definition at line 83 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobDelCons(), SCIPprobGetNConss(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobMarkNConss(), SCIPprobSortConssCheck(), and SCIPsolCheckOrig().
◆ maxnconss
int SCIP_Prob::maxnconss |
maximum number of constraints existing at the same time
Definition at line 84 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobGetMaxNConss(), SCIPprobMarkNConss(), and SCIPprobPrintStatistics().
◆ startnvars
int SCIP_Prob::startnvars |
number of variables existing when problem solving started
Definition at line 85 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobGetStartNVars(), and SCIPprobMarkNConss().
◆ startnconss
int SCIP_Prob::startnconss |
number of constraints existing when problem solving started
Definition at line 86 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by createAndAddProofcons(), SCIPprobGetStartNConss(), SCIPprobMarkNConss(), and SCIPprobPrintStatistics().
◆ objsense
SCIP_OBJSENSE SCIP_Prob::objsense |
objective sense of the original problem
Definition at line 87 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobGetObjlim(), SCIPprobGetObjsense(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobSetObjsense(), SCIPprobTransform(), SCIPprobUpdateDualbound(), SCIPvarAddObj(), and SCIPvarChgObj().
◆ objisintegral
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::objisintegral |
is objective value always integral for feasible solutions?
Definition at line 88 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobCheckObjIntegral(), SCIPprobIsObjIntegral(), SCIPprobScaleObj(), SCIPprobSetObjIntegral(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ transformed
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::transformed |
TRUE iff problem is the transformed problem
Definition at line 89 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by probInsertVar(), SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobAddObjoffset(), SCIPprobAddVar(), SCIPprobDelCons(), SCIPprobDelVar(), SCIPprobExitSolve(), SCIPprobExternObjval(), SCIPprobGetNObjVars(), SCIPprobInitSolve(), SCIPprobInternObjval(), SCIPprobIsTransformed(), SCIPprobPerformVarDeletions(), SCIPprobPrintStatistics(), SCIPprobSortConssCheck(), SCIPprobStoreRootSol(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPprobUpdateNObjVars(), SCIPsolCheckOrig(), SCIPsolPrint(), SCIPsolPrintRay(), SCIPsolRetransform(), and SCIPsolRound().
◆ nlpenabled
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::nlpenabled |
marks whether an NLP relaxation should be constructed
Definition at line 90 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobTransform().
◆ permuted
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::permuted |
TRUE iff the problem is already permuted
Definition at line 91 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobIsPermuted(), SCIPprobMarkPermuted(), and SCIPprobTransform().
◆ consschecksorted
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::consschecksorted |
TRUE if the constraints are sorted according to check priority
Definition at line 92 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobAddCons(), SCIPprobDelCons(), and SCIPprobSortConssCheck().
◆ conscompression
SCIP_Bool SCIP_Prob::conscompression |
TRUE for problems for which constraint compression on a set of fixed variables is desired
Definition at line 93 of file struct_prob.h.
Referenced by SCIPprobEnableConsCompression(), and SCIPprobIsConsCompressionEnabled().