Detailed Description
public methods for LP columns
Function Documentation
◆ SCIPcolSort()
void SCIPcolSort | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
sorts column entries such that LP rows precede non-LP rows and inside both parts lower row indices precede higher ones
- Parameters
col column to be sorted
Definition at line 3432 of file lp.c.
References colSortLP(), and colSortNonLP().
Referenced by SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC().
◆ SCIPcolGetObj()
gets objective value of column
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 16953 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::obj.
Referenced by computeCut(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createSubscip(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPvarGetObjLP(), separateCuts(), and transformColumn().
◆ SCIPcolGetLb()
gets lower bound of column
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 16963 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lb, and NULL.
Referenced by computeCut(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createSubscip(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), getGMIFromRow(), modifyAndPackCut(), propagateRedcostVar(), provedBound(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), and SCIPvarGetLbLP().
◆ SCIPcolGetUb()
gets upper bound of column
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 16973 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::ub.
Referenced by computeCut(), createLPWithHardCuts(), createSubscip(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), getGMIFromRow(), modifyAndPackCut(), propagateRedcostVar(), provedBound(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), and SCIPvarGetUbLP().
◆ SCIPcolGetBestBound()
gets best bound of column with respect to the objective function
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 16983 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lb, NULL, SCIP_Col::obj, and SCIP_Col::ub.
Referenced by lpCleanupCols(), lpRemoveObsoleteCols(), and SCIProwRecalcPseudoActivity().
◆ SCIPcolGetPrimsol()
gets the primal LP solution of a column
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 16996 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lppos, NULL, and SCIP_Col::primsol.
Referenced by addColToCut(), branchcandCalcLPCands(), checkNumerics(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), createSubscip(), getImplVarRedcost(), nodepairqueueCreate(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), SCIPvarGetLPSol(), SCIPvarGetLPSol_rec(), scoring(), and solveLagromoryLP().
◆ SCIPcolGetMinPrimsol()
gets the minimal LP solution value, this column ever assumed
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17009 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::minprimsol, and NULL.
Referenced by propagateRedcostVar().
◆ SCIPcolGetMaxPrimsol()
gets the maximal LP solution value, this column ever assumed
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17019 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::maxprimsol, and NULL.
Referenced by propagateRedcostVar().
◆ SCIPcolGetBasisStatus()
SCIP_BASESTAT SCIPcolGetBasisStatus | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets the basis status of a column in the LP solution; only valid for LPs with status SCIP_LPSOLSTAT_OPTIMAL and with SCIPisLPSolBasic(scip) == TRUE; returns SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO for columns not in the current SCIP_LP
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17031 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::basisstatus, SCIP_Col::lppos, NULL, and SCIP_BASESTAT_ZERO.
Referenced by addCols(), addColToCut(), computeIntercut(), computeNegCutcoefs(), computeStrengthenedIntercut(), countBasicVars(), createAndStoreSparseRays(), filterExistingLP(), filterRound(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), getGMIFromRow(), getImplVarRedcost(), getSimplexCoefficients(), getTableauRows(), propagateRedcostBinvar(), propagateRedcostVar(), propagateRootRedcostBinvar(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPprobUpdateBestRootSol(), SCIPvarGetImplRedcost(), storeDenseTableauRow(), and storeDenseTableauRowsByColumns().
◆ SCIPcolGetVar()
gets variable this column represents
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17042 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::var.
Referenced by addAltLPRow(), addColToCut(), addRowToCut(), aggregateGeneratedCuts(), applyRepair(), colIsDiscrete(), computeCut(), computeMonoidalStrengthCoef(), computeRltCut(), constructCutRow(), copyCuts(), createAndStoreSparseRays(), createCGCutDirect(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), createProjRow(), createRows(), createSubscip(), detectHiddenProducts(), detectProductsUnconditional(), extractCapacityRows(), extractFlowRows(), fillRelationTables(), findUncapacitatedArcs(), generateAverageNBRay(), generateClusterCuts(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), generateGMICuts(), getRowFracActivity(), initMatrix(), isAcceptableRow(), lpCopyIntegrality(), mod2MatrixAddOrigRow(), nodepairqueueCreate(), rowCalculateGauss(), rowFindSlackVar(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_PROPEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP(), SCIPaddNlpiProblemRows(), SCIPaddRow(), SCIPapplyLockFixings(), SCIPcomputeLPRelIntPoint(), SCIPconflictAnalyzeStrongbranch(), SCIPnlrowCreateFromRow(), SCIPsolLinkLPSol(), scoring(), selectRounding(), selectShifting(), sepastoreApplyBdchg(), sepastoreIsBdchgApplicable(), solveLagromoryLP(), solveLPWithHardCuts(), storeCuts(), transformColumn(), transformNonIntegralRow(), transformVariable(), and updateObjectiveVector().
◆ SCIPcolGetIndex()
int SCIPcolGetIndex | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets unique index of col
- Parameters
col LP col
Definition at line 17052 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::index, and NULL.
◆ SCIPcolGetVarProbindex()
int SCIPcolGetVarProbindex | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets probindex of corresponding variable
- Parameters
col LP col
Definition at line 17062 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::var_probindex.
Referenced by addOrigRow(), and transformNonIntegralRow().
◆ SCIPcolIsIntegral()
returns whether the associated variable is of integral type (binary, integer, implicit integer)
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17072 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::integral, NULL, SCIPvarIsIntegral(), and SCIP_Col::var.
Referenced by colIsDiscrete(), createLPWithSoftCuts(), createSubscip(), generateClusterCuts(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), getGMIFromRow(), rowAddCoef(), rowCalcIdxsAndVals(), rowChgCoefPos(), rowMerge(), rowScale(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranch(), SCIPcolGetStrongbranches(), SCIPcolInvalidateStrongbranchData(), SCIPcolSetStrongbranchData(), SCIProwCalcIntegralScalar(), storeSuitableRows(), and transformNonIntegralRow().
◆ SCIPcolIsRemovable()
returns TRUE iff column is removable from the LP (due to aging or cleanup)
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17083 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::removable.
◆ SCIPcolGetLPPos()
int SCIPcolGetLPPos | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets position of column in current LP, or -1 if it is not in LP
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17093 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lpdepth, SCIP_Col::lppos, and NULL.
Referenced by addBdchg(), addFlowrowToCommodity(), aggregateGeneratedCuts(), cleanupNetwork(), collectIncidentFlowCols(), computeCut(), constructLPPos2ConsPosMap(), createAndStoreSparseRays(), createCGCutCMIR(), createCGMIPprimalsols(), createLPWithHardCuts(), deleteCommodity(), extractCapacities(), extractCapacityRows(), extractNodes(), findUncapacitatedArcs(), findVertexAndGetRays(), generateAverageRay(), generateClusterCuts(), generateDisjCutSOS1(), getFlowrowFit(), getGMIFromRow(), getIncidentNodes(), getNodeSimilarityScore(), getTableauRows(), identifySourcesTargets(), initMatrix(), mcfnetworkFill(), modifyAndPackCut(), nodepairqueueCreate(), rowFindSlackVar(), SCIP_DECL_BRANCHEXECLP(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIP_DECL_SEPAEXECLP(), SCIPlpGetDualfarkas(), storeDenseTableauRow(), and updateObjectiveVector().
◆ SCIPcolGetLPDepth()
int SCIPcolGetLPDepth | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets depth in the tree where the column entered the LP, or -1 if it is not in LP
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17104 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lpdepth, SCIP_Col::lppos, and NULL.
◆ SCIPcolIsInLP()
returns TRUE iff column is member of current LP
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17115 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::lpdepth, SCIP_Col::lppos, and NULL.
Referenced by getDualBranchscore(), initLP(), SCIPgetVarsStrongbranchesFrac(), SCIPgetVarsStrongbranchesInt(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchFrac(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchInt(), SCIPgetVarStrongbranchWithPropagation(), SCIPlpGetDualDegeneracy(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPvarIsInLP(), and transformVariable().
◆ SCIPcolGetNNonz()
int SCIPcolGetNNonz | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
get number of nonzero entries in column vector
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17126 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::len, and NULL.
Referenced by calcBdchgScore(), calcBranchScore(), checkConstraintMatching(), determineBound(), markRowsXj(), SCIP_DECL_DIVESETGETSCORE(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIPapplyLockFixings(), SCIPpricestoreAddProbVars(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), shiftValues(), varColCompare(), and varProcessBoundChanges().
◆ SCIPcolGetNLPNonz()
int SCIPcolGetNLPNonz | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
get number of nonzero entries in column vector, that correspond to rows currently in the SCIP_LP;
- Warning
- This method is only applicable on columns, that are completely linked to their rows (e.g. a column that is in the current LP and the LP was solved, or a column that was in a solved LP and didn't change afterwards
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17140 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::nlprows, NULL, and SCIP_Col::nunlinked.
Referenced by addFracCounter(), calcShiftVal(), calculateBounds(), createSubscip(), extractNodes(), getDualBranchscore(), getIncidentNodes(), getNActiveConsScore(), getNextFlowrow(), initMatrix(), relaxVar(), rowFindSlackVar(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), setupAggregationData(), transformColumn(), tryFixVar(), updateActivities(), updateRowActivities(), and updateSlacks().
◆ SCIPcolGetRows()
gets array with rows of nonzero entries
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17151 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::rows.
Referenced by addFracCounter(), calcBranchScore(), calcShiftVal(), calculateBounds(), checkConstraintMatching(), createSubscip(), determineBound(), extractNodes(), getDualBranchscore(), getIncidentNodes(), getNActiveConsScore(), getNextFlowrow(), initMatrix(), markRowsXj(), relaxVar(), SCIP_DECL_HEUREXEC(), SCIPapplyLockFixings(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), setupAggregationData(), shiftValues(), transformColumn(), tryFixVar(), updateActivities(), updateRowActivities(), updateSlacks(), varColCompare(), and varProcessBoundChanges().
◆ SCIPcolGetVals()
gets array with coefficients of nonzero entries
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17161 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::vals.
Referenced by calcBranchScore(), calcShiftVal(), calculateBounds(), createSubscip(), determineBound(), getIncidentNodes(), getNActiveConsScore(), initMatrix(), markRowsXj(), relaxVar(), SCIPapplyLockFixings(), SCIPsolAdjustImplicitSolVals(), setupAggregationData(), shiftValues(), transformColumn(), tryFixVar(), updateActivities(), updateRowActivities(), updateSlacks(), and varProcessBoundChanges().
◆ SCIPcolGetStrongbranchNode()
SCIP_Longint SCIPcolGetStrongbranchNode | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets node number of the last node in current branch and bound run, where strong branching was used on the given column, or -1 if strong branching was never applied to the column in current run
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17173 of file lp.c.
References NULL, and SCIP_Col::sbnode.
Referenced by SCIPgetVarStrongbranchNode().
◆ SCIPcolGetNStrongbranchs()
int SCIPcolGetNStrongbranchs | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets number of times, strong branching was applied in current run on the given column
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17183 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::nsbcalls, and NULL.
Referenced by SCIPgetVarNStrongbranchs().
◆ SCIPcolGetAge()
int SCIPcolGetAge | ( | SCIP_COL * | col | ) |
gets the age of a column, i.e., the total number of successive times a column was in the LP and was 0.0 in the solution
- Parameters
col LP column
Definition at line 17193 of file lp.c.
References SCIP_Col::age, and NULL.
◆ SCIPboundtypeOpposite()
SCIP_BOUNDTYPE SCIPboundtypeOpposite | ( | SCIP_BOUNDTYPE | boundtype | ) |
gets opposite bound type of given bound type
- Parameters
boundtype type of bound (lower or upper)
Definition at line 17203 of file lp.c.
Referenced by analyzeConflict(), conflictAddConflictCons(), conflictCreateReconvergenceConss(), convertToActiveVar(), detectImpliedBounds(), SCIP_DECL_CONFLICTEXEC(), SCIP_DECL_CONSRESPROP(), SCIP_DECL_EVENTEXEC(), SCIPconflictAddBound(), and SCIPcreateConsBounddisjunction().
◆ SCIPgetColRedcost()
returns the reduced costs of a column in the last (feasible) LP
- Returns
- the reduced costs of a column in the last (feasible) LP
- Precondition
- this method can be called in one of the following stages of the SCIP solving process:
- Note
- calling this method in SCIP_STAGE_SOLVED is only recommended to experienced users and should only be called for pure LP instances (without presolving)
- The return value of this method should be used carefully if the dual feasibility check was explictely disabled.
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure col LP column
Definition at line 1154 of file scip_lp.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPcolGetRedcost(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPtreeHasCurrentNodeLP(), and TRUE.
Referenced by determineVariableFixings(), propagateRedcostBinvar(), propagateRedcostVar(), and SCIPgetVarRedcost().
◆ SCIPgetColFarkasCoef()
returns the Farkas coefficient of a column in the last (infeasible) LP
- Returns
- the Farkas coefficient of a column in the last (infeasible) LP
- Precondition
- this method can be called in one of the following stages of the SCIP solving process:
returns the Farkas coefficient of a column in the last (infeasible) LP
- Returns
- the Farkas coefficient of a column in the last (infeasible) LP
- Precondition
- this method can be called in one of the following stages of the SCIP solving process:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure col LP column
Definition at line 1180 of file scip_lp.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPcolGetFarkasCoef(), SCIPerrorMessage, SCIPtreeHasCurrentNodeLP(), and TRUE.
Referenced by SCIPgetVarFarkasCoef().
◆ SCIPmarkColNotRemovableLocal()
marks a column to be not removable from the LP in the current node
- Precondition
- this method can be called in the following stage of the SCIP solving process:
- Parameters
scip SCIP data structure col LP column
Definition at line 1202 of file scip_lp.c.
References FALSE, SCIP_CALL_ABORT, SCIPcheckStage(), SCIPcolMarkNotRemovableLocal(), and TRUE.