Go to the documentation of this file.
37 * Given a variable \f$x_i\f$ with \f$c_i \leq 0\f$ and only one up lock (originating from a constraint c),
40 * 2. if \f$x_j = 1\f$, constraint c becomes redundant and \f$x_i\f$ can be dual-fixed to its upper bound \f$ub_i\f$
41 * (or vice versa). Then we can perform the following aggregation: \f$x_i = lb_i + x_j (ub_i - lb_i)\f$.
67#define PRESOL_PRIORITY -12000 /**< priority of the presolver (>= 0: before, < 0: after constraint handlers) */
68#define PRESOL_MAXROUNDS 0 /**< maximal number of presolving rounds the presolver participates in (-1: no limit) */
69#define PRESOL_TIMING SCIP_PRESOLTIMING_EXHAUSTIVE /* timing of the presolver (fast, medium, or exhaustive) */
385 SCIP_VAR** binvars /**< pointers to the binary variables (in same order as variables in matrix) */
441 SCIP_VAR** binvars /**< pointers to the binary variables (in same order as variables in matrix) */
522 if( (SCIPgetStage(scip) != SCIP_STAGE_PRESOLVING) || SCIPinProbing(scip) || SCIPisNLPEnabled(scip) )
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludePresolDualagg(SCIP *scip)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:635
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetPresolCopy(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PRESOL *presol, SCIP_DECL_PRESOLCOPY((*presolcopy)))
Definition: scip_presol.c:140
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludePresolBasic(SCIP *scip, SCIP_PRESOL **presolptr, const char *name, const char *desc, int priority, int maxrounds, SCIP_PRESOLTIMING timing, SCIP_DECL_PRESOLEXEC((*presolexec)), SCIP_PRESOLDATA *presoldata)
Definition: scip_presol.c:105
SCIP_Bool SCIPisGE(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:497
SCIP_Bool SCIPisLE(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:471
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPaggregateVars(SCIP *scip, SCIP_VAR *varx, SCIP_VAR *vary, SCIP_Real scalarx, SCIP_Real scalary, SCIP_Real rhs, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, SCIP_Bool *redundant, SCIP_Bool *aggregated)
Definition: scip_var.c:8524
int * SCIPmatrixGetColIdxPtr(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1580
int SCIPmatrixGetRowNNonzs(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1708
int SCIPmatrixGetColNDownlocks(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1648
int SCIPmatrixGetColNNonzs(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1592
SCIP_Bool SCIPmatrixIsRowRhsInfinity(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1766
int SCIPmatrixGetColNUplocks(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1636
SCIP_Real SCIPmatrixGetRowMaxActivity(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1800
SCIP_Real SCIPmatrixGetColLb(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1625
SCIP_Real SCIPmatrixGetRowLhs(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1742
SCIP_Real * SCIPmatrixGetRowValPtr(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1684
SCIP_Real * SCIPmatrixGetColValPtr(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1568
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPmatrixCreate(SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX **matrixptr, SCIP_Bool onlyifcomplete, SCIP_Bool *initialized, SCIP_Bool *complete, SCIP_Bool *infeasible, int *naddconss, int *ndelconss, int *nchgcoefs, int *nchgbds, int *nfixedvars)
Definition: matrix.c:454
SCIP_Real SCIPmatrixGetRowMinActivity(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1788
int * SCIPmatrixGetRowIdxPtr(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int row)
Definition: matrix.c:1696
SCIP_Real SCIPmatrixGetColUb(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int col)
Definition: matrix.c:1614
memory allocation routines
Definition: objbenders.h:44
static void getBinVarIdxInDownlockRow(SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int aggvaridx, int *binvaridx, AGGRTYPE *aggtype)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:280
static void getUplockRowIdx(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int aggvaridx, int *rowidx, SCIP_Real *coef)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:86
static void getDownlockRowIdx(SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int aggvaridx, int *rowidx, SCIP_Real *coef)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:134
static SCIP_RETCODE findUplockAggregations(SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int *nvaragg, AGGRTYPE *aggtypes, SCIP_VAR **binvars)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:380
static void getBinVarIdxInUplockRow(SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int aggvaridx, int *binvaridx, AGGRTYPE *aggtype)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:182
static SCIP_RETCODE findDownlockAggregations(SCIP *scip, SCIP_MATRIX *matrix, int *nvaragg, AGGRTYPE *aggtypes, SCIP_VAR **binvars)
Definition: presol_dualagg.c:436
aggregate variables by dual arguments
public methods for matrix
public methods for message output
public methods for presolvers
public methods for problem variables
general public methods
public methods for memory management
public methods for message handling
public methods for nonlinear relaxation
public methods for numerical tolerances
public methods for presolving plugins
public methods for variable pricer plugins
public methods for global and local (sub)problems
public methods for the probing mode
public methods for SCIP variables
Definition: struct_matrix.h:48
Definition: struct_presol.h:47
Definition: struct_var.h:208
Definition: struct_scip.h:70