Go to the documentation of this file.
31 * @todo Functions like SCIPsetFeastol() are misleading (it seems that the feasibility tolerance can be set).
32 * Rename all functions starting with SCIPsetXXX, e.g., SCIPsetGetFeastol() and SCIPsetSetFeastol().
35 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
81 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_SCOREFAC 0.167 /**< branching score factor to weigh downward and upward gain prediction
83 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_PREFERBINARY FALSE /**< should branching on binary variables be preferred? */
84 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_CLAMP 0.2 /**< minimal fractional distance of branching point to a continuous variable'
86 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_MIDPULL 0.75 /**< fraction by which to move branching point of a continuous variable towards the middle of the domain */
87 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_MIDPULLRELDOMTRIG 0.5 /**< multiply midpull by relative domain width if the latter is below this value */
88 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_LPGAINNORMALIZE 's' /**< strategy for normalizing LP gain when updating pseudo costs of continuous variables */
89 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_DELAYPSCOST TRUE /**< should updating pseudo costs of continuous variables be delayed to after separation */
90 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_DIVINGPSCOST TRUE /**< should pseudo costs be updated also in diving and probing mode? */
91 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_FORCEALL FALSE /**< should all strong branching children be regarded even if
93 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_FIRSTSBCHILD 'a' /**< child node to be regarded first during strong branching (only with propagation): 'u'p child, 'd'own child, 'h'istory-based, or 'a'utomatic */
94 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_CHECKSBSOL TRUE /**< should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be checked for feasibility? */
95 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_ROUNDSBSOL TRUE /**< should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be rounded? (only when checksbsol=TRUE) */
96 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BRANCH_SUMADJUSTSCORE FALSE /**< score adjustment near zero by adding epsilon (TRUE) or using maximum (FALSE) */
100 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_COMPR_ENABLE FALSE /**< should automatic tree compression in reoptimization after presolving be enabled? */
106 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MAXVARSFAC 0.15 /**< maximal fraction of variables involved in a conflict constraint */
107 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MINMAXVARS 0 /**< minimal absolute maximum of variables involved in a conflict constraint */
108 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MAXLPLOOPS 2 /**< maximal number of LP resolving loops during conflict analysis
110 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_LPITERATIONS 10 /**< maximal number of LP iterations in each LP resolving loop
116 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_USEBOUNDLP 'b' /**< should bound exceeding LP conflict analysis be used?
119 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_USESB TRUE /**< should infeasible/bound exceeding strong branching conflict analysis
121 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_USEPSEUDO TRUE /**< should pseudo solution conflict analysis be used? */
122 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_PREFINFPROOF TRUE /**< prefer infeasibility proof to boundexceeding proof */
124 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_DYNAMIC TRUE /**< should the conflict constraints be subject to aging? */
130 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_RECONVLEVELS -1 /**< number of depth levels up to which UIP reconvergence constraints are
132 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_CLEANBNDDEPEND TRUE /**< should conflicts based on an old cutoff bound removed? */
133 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_FUIPLEVELS -1 /**< number of depth levels up to which first UIP's are used in conflict
135 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_INTERCONSS -1 /**< maximal number of intermediate conflict constraints generated in
137 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MAXCONSS 10 /**< maximal number of conflict constraints accepted at an infeasible node
140 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_ALLOWLOCAL TRUE /**< should conflict constraints be generated that are only valid locally? */
141 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_SETTLELOCAL FALSE /**< should conflict constraints be attached only to the local subtree
143 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_REPROPAGATE TRUE /**< should earlier nodes be repropagated in order to replace branching
145 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_KEEPREPROP TRUE /**< should constraints be kept for repropagation even if they are too long? */
146 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_REMOVEABLE TRUE /**< should the conflict's relaxations be subject to LP aging and cleanup? */
147 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_DEPTHSCOREFAC 1.0 /**< score factor for depth level in bound relaxation heuristic of LP analysis */
148 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_PROOFSCOREFAC 1.0 /**< score factor for impact on acticity in bound relaxation heuristic of LP analysis */
149 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_UPLOCKSCOREFAC 0.0 /**< score factor for up locks in bound relaxation heuristic of LP analysis */
150 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_DOWNLOCKSCOREFAC 0.0 /**< score factor for down locks in bound relaxation heuristic of LP analysis */
151 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_SCOREFAC 0.98 /**< factor to decrease importance of variables' earlier conflict scores */
152 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_RESTARTNUM 0 /**< number of successful conflict analysis calls that trigger a restart
154 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_RESTARTFAC 1.5 /**< factor to increase restartnum with after each restart */
156 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MAXVARSDETECTIMPLIEDBOUNDS 250 /**< maximal number of variables to try to detect global bound implications and shorten the whole conflict set (0: disabled) */
157 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_FULLSHORTENCONFLICT TRUE /**< try to shorten the whole conflict set or terminate early (depending on the 'maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds' parameter) */
158 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_CONFLITWEIGHT 0.0 /**< the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict */
159 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_CONFLITGRAPHWEIGHT 1.0/**< the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict graph */
160 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_WEIGHTSIZE 0.001 /**< weight of the size of a conflict used in score calculation */
161 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_WEIGHTREPROPDEPTH 0.1 /**< weight of the repropagation depth of a conflict used in score calculation */
162 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_WEIGHTVALIDDEPTH 1.0 /**< weight of the valid depth of a conflict used in score calculation */
163 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MINIMPROVE 0.05 /**< minimal improvement of primal bound to remove conflicts based on a previous incumbent */
167 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_SEPAALTPROOFS FALSE /**< apply cut generating functions to construct alternative proofs */
168 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_USELOCALROWS TRUE /**< use local rows to construct infeasibility proofs */
172 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONS_AGELIMIT 0 /**< maximum age an unnecessary constraint can reach before it is deleted
174 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONS_OBSOLETEAGE -1 /**< age of a constraint after which it is marked obsolete
176 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONS_DISABLEENFOPS FALSE /**< should enforcement of pseudo solution be disabled? */
182 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DISP_WIDTH 143 /**< maximal number of characters in a node information line */
184 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DISP_HEADERFREQ 15 /**< frequency for displaying header lines (every n'th node info line) */
186 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DISP_ALLVIOLS FALSE /**< display all violations of the best solution after the solving process finished? */
187 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DISP_RELEVANTSTATS TRUE /**< should the relevant statistics be displayed at the end of solving? */
191 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_HEUR_USEUCTSUBSCIP FALSE /**< should setting of common subscip parameters include the activation of the UCT node selector? */
195 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_HISTORY_VALUEBASED FALSE /**< should statistics be collected for variable domain value pairs */
196 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ALLOWMERGE FALSE /**< should variable histories be merged from sub-SCIPs whenever possible? */
197 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ALLOWTRANSFER FALSE /**< should variable histories be transferred to initialize SCIP copies? */
204 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_ABSGAP 0.0 /**< solving stops, if the absolute difference between primal and dual
206 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_OBJSTOP SCIP_INVALID /**< solving stops, if solution is found that is at least as good as given value */
208 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_STALLNODES -1LL /**< solving stops, if the given number of nodes was processed since the
210 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_SOLUTIONS -1 /**< solving stops, if given number of sols were found (-1: no limit) */
211 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_BESTSOL -1 /**< solving stops, if given number of solution improvements were found
213 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_MAXSOL 100 /**< maximal number of solutions to store in the solution storage */
214 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_MAXORIGSOL 10 /**< maximal number of solutions candidates to store in the solution storage of the original problem */
215 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_RESTARTS -1 /**< solving stops, if the given number of restarts was triggered (-1: no limit) */
216 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_AUTORESTARTNODES -1 /**< if solve exceeds this number of nodes, an automatic restart is triggered (-1: no automatic restart)*/
221 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_SOLVEFREQ 1 /**< frequency for solving LP at the nodes; -1: never; 0: only root LP */
222 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_ITERLIM -1LL /**< iteration limit for each single LP solve; -1: no limit */
223 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_ROOTITERLIM -1LL /**< iteration limit for initial root LP solve; -1: no limit */
224 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_SOLVEDEPTH -1 /**< maximal depth for solving LPs (-1: no depth limit) */
225 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_INITALGORITHM 's' /**< LP algorithm for solving initial LP relaxations ('s'implex, 'b'arrier,
227 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_RESOLVEALGORITHM 's' /**< LP algorithm for resolving LP relaxations if a starting basis exists
229 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_PRICING 'l' /**< LP pricing strategy ('l'pi default, 'a'uto, 'f'ull pricing, 'p'artial,
232 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CLEARINITIALPROBINGLP TRUE/**< should lp state be cleared at the end of probing mode when lp
234 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_RESOLVERESTORE FALSE /**< should the LP be resolved to restore the state at start of diving (if FALSE we buffer the solution values)? */
235 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_FREESOLVALBUFFERS FALSE /**< should the buffers for storing LP solution values during diving be freed at end of diving? */
236 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_COLAGELIMIT 10 /**< maximum age a dynamic column can reach before it is deleted from SCIP_LP
238 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_ROWAGELIMIT 10 /**< maximum age a dynamic row can reach before it is deleted from SCIP_LP
240 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CLEANUPCOLS FALSE /**< should new non-basic columns be removed after LP solving? */
241 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CLEANUPCOLSROOT FALSE /**< should new non-basic columns be removed after root LP solving? */
242 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CLEANUPROWS TRUE /**< should new basic rows be removed after LP solving? */
243 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CLEANUPROWSROOT TRUE /**< should new basic rows be removed after root LP solving? */
244 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CHECKSTABILITY TRUE /**< should LP solver's return status be checked for stability? */
245 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CONDITIONLIMIT -1.0 /**< maximum condition number of LP basis counted as stable (-1.0: no limit) */
246 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_MARKOWITZ 0.01 /**< minimal Markowitz threshold to control sparsity/stability in LU factorization */
247 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CHECKPRIMFEAS TRUE /**< should LP solutions be checked for primal feasibility to resolve LP at numerical troubles? */
248 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CHECKDUALFEAS TRUE /**< should LP solutions be checked for dual feasibility to resolve LP at numerical troubles? */
249 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_CHECKFARKAS TRUE /**< should infeasibility proofs from the LP be checked? */
253 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_LEXDUALALGO FALSE /**< should the dual lexicographic algorithm be used? */
254 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_LEXDUALROOTONLY TRUE /**< should the lexicographic dual algorithm be applied only at the root node */
255 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_LEXDUALMAXROUNDS 2 /**< maximum number of rounds in the dual lexicographic algorithm */
256 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_LEXDUALBASIC FALSE /**< choose fractional basic variables in lexicographic dual algorithm */
257 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_LEXDUALSTALLING TRUE /**< turn on the lex dual algorithm only when stalling? */
258 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_DISABLECUTOFF 2 /**< disable the cutoff bound in the LP solver? (0: enabled, 1: disabled, 2: auto) */
259 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_ROWREPSWITCH 1.2 /**< simplex algorithm shall use row representation of the basis
261 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_THREADS 0 /**< number of threads used for solving the LP (0: automatic) */
262 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_RESOLVEITERFAC -1.0 /**< factor of average LP iterations that is used as LP iteration limit
264 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_RESOLVEITERMIN 1000 /**< minimum number of iterations that are allowed for LP resolve */
265 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_SOLUTIONPOLISHING 3 /**< LP solution polishing method (0: disabled, 1: only root, 2: always, 3: auto) */
267 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_LP_ALWAYSGETDUALS FALSE /**< should the dual solution always be collected */
271 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_NLP_SOLVER "" /**< name of NLP solver to use, or "" if solver should be chosen by priority */
277 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MEM_SAVEFAC 0.8 /**< fraction of maximal mem usage when switching to memory saving mode */
286 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_CATCHCTRLC TRUE /**< should the CTRL-C interrupt be caught by SCIP? */
287 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_USEVARTABLE TRUE /**< should a hashtable be used to map from variable names to variables? */
288 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_USECONSTABLE TRUE /**< should a hashtable be used to map from constraint names to constraints? */
289 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_USESMALLTABLES FALSE /**< should smaller hashtables be used? yields better performance for small problems with about 100 variables */
290 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_EXACTSOLVE FALSE /**< should the problem be solved exactly (with proven dual bounds)? */
291 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_RESETSTAT TRUE /**< should the statistics be reset if the transformed problem is
296 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_IMPROVINGSOLS FALSE /**< should only solutions be checked which improve the primal bound */
297 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_PRINTREASON TRUE /**< should the reason be printed if a given start solution is infeasible? */
298 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_ESTIMEXTERNMEM TRUE /**< should the usage of external memory be estimated? */
299 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_AVOIDMEMOUT TRUE /**< try to avoid running into memory limit by restricting plugins like heuristics? */
300 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_TRANSORIGSOLS TRUE /**< should SCIP try to transfer original solutions to the transformed space (after presolving)? */
301 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_TRANSSOLSORIG TRUE /**< should SCIP try to transfer transformed solutions to the original space (after solving)? */
302 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_CALCINTEGRAL TRUE /**< should SCIP calculate the primal dual integral? */
303 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_FINITESOLSTORE FALSE /**< should SCIP try to remove infinite fixings from solutions copied to the solution store? */
304 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_OUTPUTORIGSOL TRUE /**< should the best solution be transformed to the orignal space and be output in command line run? */
305 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_ALLOWSTRONGDUALREDS TRUE /**< should strong dual reductions be allowed in propagation and presolving? */
306 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_ALLOWWEAKDUALREDS TRUE /**< should weak dual reductions be allowed in propagation and presolving? */
308 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_USESYMMETRY 7 /**< bitset describing used symmetry handling technique (0: off; 1: polyhedral (orbitopes and/or symresacks)
309 * 2: orbital fixing; 3: orbitopes and orbital fixing; 4: Schreier Sims cuts; 5: Schreier Sims cuts and
310 * orbitopes); 6: Schreier Sims cuts and orbital fixing; 7: Schreier Sims cuts, orbitopes, and orbital
313 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_MISC_SHOWDIVINGSTATS FALSE /**< should detailed statistics for diving heuristics be shown? */
320 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_RANDOM_RANDSEEDSHIFT 0 /**< global shift of all random seeds in the plugins, this will have no impact on the permutation and LP seeds */
321 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_RANDOM_PERMUTATIONSEED 0 /**< seed value for permuting the problem after reading/transformation (0: no permutation) */
322 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_RANDOM_LPSEED 0 /**< random seed for LP solver, e.g. for perturbations in the simplex (0: LP default) */
323 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_RANDOM_PERMUTECONSS TRUE /**< should order of constraints be permuted (depends on permutationseed)? */
324 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_RANDOM_PERMUTEVARS FALSE /**< should order of variables be permuted (depends on permutationseed)? */
329 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_NODESEL_CHILDSEL 'h' /**< child selection rule ('d'own, 'u'p, 'p'seudo costs, 'i'nference, 'l'p value,
335 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_ABORTFAC 8e-04 /**< abort presolve, if at most this fraction of the problem was changed
337 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_MAXROUNDS -1 /**< maximal number of presolving rounds (-1: unlimited, 0: off) */
339 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_CLQTABLEFAC 2.0 /**< limit on number of entries in clique table relative to number of problem nonzeros */
340 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_RESTARTFAC 0.025 /**< fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node
342 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_IMMRESTARTFAC 0.10 /**< fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering an
344 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_SUBRESTARTFAC 1.00 /**< fraction of integer variables that were globally fixed during the
346 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_RESTARTMINRED 0.10 /**< minimal fraction of integer variables removed after restart to allow
348 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_DONOTMULTAGGR FALSE /**< should multi-aggregation of variables be forbidden? */
349 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRESOL_DONOTAGGR FALSE /**< should aggregation of variables be forbidden? */
354 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRICE_ABORTFAC 2.0 /**< pricing is aborted, if fac * price_maxvars pricing candidates were
356 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRICE_MAXVARS 100 /**< maximal number of variables priced in per pricing round */
357 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRICE_MAXVARSROOT 2000 /**< maximal number of priced variables at the root node */
358 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRICE_DELVARS FALSE /**< should variables created at the current node be deleted when the node is solved
360 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PRICE_DELVARSROOT FALSE /**< should variables created at the root node be deleted when the root is solved
364 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DECOMP_BENDERSLABELS FALSE /**< should the variables be labelled for the application of Benders' decomposition */
365 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DECOMP_APPLYBENDERS FALSE /**< if a decomposition exists, should Benders' decomposition be applied? */
366 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_DECOMP_MAXGRAPHEDGE 10000 /**< maximum number of edges in block graph computation (-1: no limit, 0: disable block graph computation) */
370 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BENDERS_SOLTOL 1e-6 /**< the tolerance used to determine optimality in Benders' decomposition */
371 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BENDERS_CUTLPSOL TRUE /**< should Benders' cuts be generated from the LP solution? */
372 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_BENDERS_COPYBENDERS TRUE /**< should Benders' decomposition be copied for sub-SCIPs? */
376 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_OBJSIMSOL -1.0 /**< re-use stored solutions only if the similarity of the new and the old objective
378 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_OBJSIMROOTLP 0.8 /**< similarity of two sequential objective function to disable solving the root LP. */
379 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_OBJSIMDELAY -1.0 /**< start reoptimizing the search if the new objective function has similarity of
381 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_VARORDERINTERDICTION 'd' /** use 'd'efault, 'r'andom or 'i'nference score for variable
386 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_MAXDIFFOFNODES INT_MAX/**< maximum number of bound changes of two ancestor nodes
388 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_FORCEHEURRESTART 3 /**< force a restart if the last n optimal solutions are found by
392 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_SOLVELP 1 /**< strategy for solving the LP at nodes from reoptimization */
393 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_SOLVELPDIFF 1 /**< difference of path length between two ancestor nodes to solve the LP */
395 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_SEPAGLBINFSUBTREES TRUE/**< save global constraints to separate infeasible subtrees */
396 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_SEPABESTSOL FALSE /**< separate the optimal solution, e.g., for solving constraint shortest
399 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_STOREVARHISTOTY FALSE/**< use the variable history of the previous solve if the objective
402 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_USEPSCOST FALSE /**< re-use pseudo costs of the objective function changed only slightly */
403 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_COMMONTIMELIMIT FALSE/**< is the given time limit for all reoptimization round? */
404 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_SHRINKINNER TRUE /**< replace branched transit nodes by their child nodes, if the number
407 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_STRONGBRANCHINIT TRUE/**< try to fix variables before reoptimizing by probing like strong
410 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_REDUCETOFRONTIER TRUE/**< delete stored nodes which were not reoptimized */
412 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_USESPLITCONS TRUE /**< use constraints to reconstruct the subtree pruned be dual reduction
416 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_REOPT_MAXCUTAGE 0 /**< maximal age of a cut to be use for reoptimization */
420 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PROP_MAXROUNDS 100 /**< maximal number of propagation rounds per node (-1: unlimited) */
421 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PROP_MAXROUNDSROOT 1000 /**< maximal number of propagation rounds in root node (-1: unlimited) */
422 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PROP_ABORTONCUTOFF TRUE /**< should propagation be aborted immediately? setting this to FALSE could
428 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXBOUNDDIST 1.0 /**< maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal
431 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXLOCALBOUNDDIST 0.0 /**< maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal
434 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCOEFRATIO 1e+4 /**< maximal ratio between coefficients in strongcg, cmir, and flowcover cuts */
435 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCOEFRATIOFACROWPREP 10.0 /**< maximal ratio between coefficients (as factor of 1/feastol) to ensure in rowprep cleanup */
437 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MINEFFICACYROOT 1e-4 /**< minimal efficacy for a cut to enter the LP in the root node */
438 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_ORTHOFUNC 'e' /**< function used for calc. scalar prod. in orthogonality test ('e'uclidean, 'd'iscrete) */
439 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_EFFICACYNORM 'e' /**< row norm to use for efficacy calculation ('e'uclidean, 'm'aximum,
441 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_CUTSELRESTART 'a' /**< cut selection during restart ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient) */
442 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_CUTSELSUBSCIP 'a' /**< cut selection for sub SCIPs ('a'ge, activity 'q'uotient) */
443 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_FILTERCUTPOOLREL FALSE /**< should cutpool separate only cuts with high relative efficacy? */
444 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXRUNS -1 /**< maximal number of runs for which separation is enabled (-1: unlimited) */
445 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXROUNDS -1 /**< maximal number of separation rounds per node (-1: unlimited) */
446 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXROUNDSROOT -1 /**< maximal number of separation rounds in the root node (-1: unlimited) */
447 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXROUNDSROOTSUBRUN -1 /**< maximal number of separation rounds in the root node of a subsequent run (-1: unlimited) */
448 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXADDROUNDS 1 /**< maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent
450 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXSTALLROUNDSROOT 10 /**< maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective
452 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXSTALLROUNDS 1 /**< maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective
454 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTSGENFACTOR 2.0 /**< factor w.r.t. maxcuts for maximal number of cuts generated per separation round */
455 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTSROOTGENFACTOR 2.0 /**< factor w.r.t. maxcutsroot for maximal generated cuts at the root node */
456 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTS 100 /**< maximal number of cuts separated per separation round */
457 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTSROOT 2000 /**< maximal separated cuts per separation round at the root node */
458 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_CUTAGELIMIT 80 /**< maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from global cut pool
461 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MINACTIVITYQUOT 0.8 /**< minimum cut activity quotient to convert cuts into constraints
465 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PARALLEL_MODE 1 /**< the mode for the parallel implementation. Either 0: opportunistic or
467 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PARALLEL_MINNTHREADS 1 /**< the minimum number of threads used in parallel code */
468 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_PARALLEL_MAXNTHREADS 8 /**< the maximum number of threads used in parallel code */
471 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_CHANGESEEDS TRUE /**< should the concurrent solvers use different random seeds? */
472 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_CHANGECHILDSEL TRUE /**< should the concurrent solvers use different child selection rules? */
473 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_COMMVARBNDS TRUE /**< should the concurrent solvers communicate variable bounds? */
474 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_PRESOLVEBEFORE TRUE /**< should the problem be presolved before it is copied to the concurrent solvers? */
475 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_INITSEED 5131912 /**< the seed used to initialize the random seeds for the concurrent solvers */
476 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_FREQINIT 10.0 /**< initial frequency of synchronization with other threads
478 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_FREQMAX 10.0 /**< maximal frequency of synchronization with other threads
480 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_FREQFACTOR 1.5 /**< factor by which the frequency of synchronization is changed */
481 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_TARGETPROGRESS 0.001 /**< when adapting the synchronization frequency this value is the targeted
483 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_MAXNSOLS 3 /**< maximum number of solutions that will be shared in a single synchronization */
484 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_MAXNSYNCDELAY 7 /**< maximum number of synchronizations before reading is enforced regardless of delay */
485 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_MINSYNCDELAY 10.0 /**< minimum delay before synchronization data is read */
486 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_NBESTSOLS 10 /**< how many of the N best solutions should be considered for synchronization */
487 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_PARAMSETPREFIX "" /**< path prefix for parameter setting files of concurrent solvers */
495 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_TIME_RARECLOCKCHECK FALSE /**< should clock checks of solving time be performed less frequently (might exceed time limit slightly) */
496 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_TIME_STATISTICTIMING TRUE /**< should timing for statistic output be enabled? */
497 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_TIME_NLPIEVAL FALSE /**< should time for evaluation in NLP solves be measured? */
502 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_VISUAL_VBCFILENAME "-" /**< name of the VBC tool output file, or "-" if no VBC tool output should be created */
503 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_VISUAL_BAKFILENAME "-" /**< name of the BAK tool output file, or "-" if no BAK tool output should be created */
504 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_VISUAL_REALTIME TRUE /**< should the real solving time be used instead of a time step counter in visualization? */
505 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_VISUAL_DISPSOLS FALSE /**< should the node where solutions are found be visualized? */
507 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_VISUAL_OBJEXTERN TRUE /**< should be output the external value of the objective? */
512 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_READ_INITIALCONSS TRUE /**< should model constraints be marked as initial? */
513 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_READ_DYNAMICCONSS TRUE /**< should model constraints be subject to aging? */
514 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_READ_DYNAMICCOLS FALSE /**< should columns be added and removed dynamically to the LP? */
515 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_READ_DYNAMICROWS FALSE /**< should rows be added and removed dynamically to the LP? */
516 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_WRITE_GENNAMES_OFFSET 0 /**< when writing the problem with generic names, we start with index
523 #define SCIP_DEFAULT_WRITE_ALLCONSS FALSE /**< should all constraints be written (including the redundant constraints)? */
538 assert(initsize >= 0);
545 {
548 /* calculate the size with this loop, such that the resulting numbers are always the same (-> block memory) */
550 size = initsize;
556 oldsize = size;
557 size = (int)(growfac * size + initsize);
562 size = num;
563 }
569 }
584 }
594 if( SCIPgetStage(scip) == SCIP_STAGE_SOLVING && SCIPgetLPFeastol(scip) > newlpfeastolfactor * SCIPfeastol(scip) )
603 }
641 /* Check that infinity value of LP-solver is at least as large as the one used in SCIP. This is necessary, because we
645 SCIPerrorMessage("The infinity value of the LP solver has to be at least as large as the one of SCIP.\n");
733 }
743 {
800 )
856 /** copies plugins from sourcescip to targetscip; in case that a constraint handler which does not need constraints
857 * cannot be copied, valid will return FALSE. All plugins can declare that, if their copy process failed, the
933 * @note we only have to set the valid pointer to FALSE in case that a constraint handler, which does not need
934 * constraints, does not copy; in the case that a constraint handler does not copy and it needs constraint
944 SCIPsetDebugMsg(sourceset, "Copying conshdlr <%s> was%s valid.\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(sourceset->conshdlrs_include[p]), valid ? "" : " not");
948 SCIPsetDebugMsg(sourceset, "Copying Conshdlr <%s> without constraints not valid.\n", SCIPconshdlrGetName(sourceset->conshdlrs_include[p]));
1097 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetCopyParams(sourceset->paramset, targetset->paramset, targetset, messagehdlr) );
1182 (*set)->ncutsels = 0;
1267 "minimal relative distance of branching point to bounds when branching on a continuous variable",
1272 "fraction by which to move branching point of a continuous variable towards the middle of the domain; a value of 1.0 leads to branching always in the middle of the domain",
1282 "strategy for normalization of LP gain when updating pseudocosts of continuous variables (divide by movement of 'l'p value, reduction in 'd'omain width, or reduction in domain width of 's'ibling)",
1287 "should updating pseudo costs for continuous variables be delayed to the time after separation?",
1297 "should all strong branching children be regarded even if one is detected to be infeasible? (only with propagation)",
1302 "child node to be regarded first during strong branching (only with propagation): 'u'p child, 'd'own child, 'h'istory-based, or 'a'utomatic",
1312 "should LP solutions during strong branching with propagation be rounded? (only when checksbsol=TRUE)",
1336 "should conflicts based on an old cutoff bound be removed from the conflict pool after improving the primal bound?",
1351 "should infeasible LP conflict analysis be used? ('o'ff, 'c'onflict graph, 'd'ual ray, 'b'oth conflict graph and dual ray)",
1356 "should bound exceeding LP conflict analysis be used? ('o'ff, 'c'onflict graph, 'd'ual ray, 'b'oth conflict graph and dual ray)",
1391 "number of depth levels up to which first UIP's are used in conflict analysis (-1: use All-FirstUIP rule)",
1396 "maximal number of intermediate conflict constraints generated in conflict graph (-1: use every intermediate constraint)",
1401 "number of depth levels up to which UIP reconvergence constraints are generated (-1: generate reconvergence constraints in all depth levels)",
1406 "maximal number of conflict constraints accepted at an infeasible node (-1: use all generated conflict constraints)",
1486 "number of successful conflict analysis calls that trigger a restart (0: disable conflict restarts)",
1501 "maximal number of variables to try to detect global bound implications and shorten the whole conflict set (0: disabled)",
1502 &(*set)->conf_maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds, TRUE, SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_MAXVARSDETECTIMPLIEDBOUNDS, 0, INT_MAX,
1506 "try to shorten the whole conflict set or terminate early (depending on the 'maxvarsdetectimpliedbounds' parameter)",
1511 "the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict",
1516 "the weight the VSIDS score is weight by updating the VSIDS for a variable if it is part of a conflict graph",
1530 &(*set)->conf_weightrepropdepth, TRUE, SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_WEIGHTREPROPDEPTH, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
1534 &(*set)->conf_weightvaliddepth, TRUE, SCIP_DEFAULT_CONF_WEIGHTVALIDDEPTH, 0.0, 1.0, NULL, NULL) );
1544 "maximum age an unnecessary constraint can reach before it is deleted (0: dynamic, -1: keep all constraints)",
1549 "age of a constraint after which it is marked obsolete (0: dynamic, -1 do not mark constraints obsolete)",
1588 "display all violations for a given start solution / the best solution after the solving process?",
1600 "should setting of common subscip parameters include the activation of the UCT node selector?",
1638 "solving stops, if the given number of nodes was processed since the last improvement of the primal solution value (-1: no limit)",
1644 &(*set)->limit_memory, FALSE, (SCIP_Real)SCIP_DEFAULT_LIMIT_MEMORY, 0.0, (SCIP_Real)SCIP_MEM_NOLIMIT,
1648 "solving stops, if the relative gap = |primal - dual|/MIN(|dual|,|primal|) is below the given value, the gap is 'Infinity', if primal and dual bound have opposite signs",
1663 "solving stops, if the given number of solutions were found; this limit is first checked in presolving (-1: no limit)",
1678 "maximal number of solutions candidates to store in the solution storage of the original problem",
1689 "if solve exceeds this number of nodes for the first time, an automatic restart is triggered (-1: no automatic restart)",
1716 "LP algorithm for solving initial LP relaxations (automatic 's'implex, 'p'rimal simplex, 'd'ual simplex, 'b'arrier, barrier with 'c'rossover)",
1721 "LP algorithm for resolving LP relaxations if a starting basis exists (automatic 's'implex, 'p'rimal simplex, 'd'ual simplex, 'b'arrier, barrier with 'c'rossover)",
1726 "LP pricing strategy ('l'pi default, 'a'uto, 'f'ull pricing, 'p'artial, 's'teepest edge pricing, 'q'uickstart steepest edge pricing, 'd'evex pricing)",
1731 "should lp state be cleared at the end of probing mode when lp was initially unsolved, e.g., when called right after presolving?",
1736 "should the LP be resolved to restore the state at start of diving (if FALSE we buffer the solution values)?",
1746 "maximum age a dynamic column can reach before it is deleted from the LP (-1: don't delete columns due to aging)",
1751 "maximum age a dynamic row can reach before it is deleted from the LP (-1: don't delete rows due to aging)",
1791 "should LP solutions be checked for primal feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur?",
1796 "should LP solutions be checked for dual feasibility, resolving LP when numerical troubles occur?",
1851 "simplex algorithm shall use row representation of the basis if number of rows divided by number of columns exceeds this value (-1.0 to disable row representation)",
1861 "factor of average LP iterations that is used as LP iteration limit for LP resolve (-1: unlimited)",
1954 "should smaller hashtables be used? yields better performance for small problems with about 100 variables",
1957 #if 0 /**@todo activate exactsolve parameter and finish implementation of solving MIPs exactly */
1969 "should the statistics be reset if the transformed problem is freed (in case of a Benders' decomposition this parameter should be set to FALSE)",
2015 "should the best solution be transformed to the orignal space and be output in command line run?",
2102 "child selection rule ('d'own, 'u'p, 'p'seudo costs, 'i'nference, 'l'p value, 'r'oot LP value difference, 'h'ybrid inference/root LP value difference)",
2134 "factor w.r.t. primal feasibility tolerance that determines default (and maximal) primal feasibility tolerance of LP solver",
2150 &(*set)->num_boundstreps, TRUE, SCIP_DEFAULT_BOUNDSTREPS, SCIP_MINEPSILON*1e+03, SCIP_INVALID/10.0,
2164 "minimal decrease factor that causes the recomputation of a value (e.g., pseudo objective) instead of an update",
2169 "values larger than this are considered huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity computation)",
2191 "fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering a restart with preprocessing after root node evaluation",
2201 "fraction of integer variables that were fixed in the root node triggering an immediate restart with preprocessing",
2206 "fraction of integer variables that were globally fixed during the solving process triggering a restart with preprocessing",
2211 "minimal fraction of integer variables removed after restart to allow for an additional restart",
2243 "should variables created at the current node be deleted when the node is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore?",
2248 "should variables created at the root node be deleted when the root is solved in case they are not present in the LP anymore?",
2265 "maximum number of edges in block graph computation (-1: no limit, 0: disable block graph computation)",
2277 "the tolerance used for checking optimality in Benders' decomposition. tol where optimality is given by LB + tol > UB.",
2304 "should propagation be aborted immediately? setting this to FALSE could help conflict analysis to produce more conflict constraints",
2336 "use variable history of the previous solve if the objctive function has changed only slightly",
2346 "at which reopttype should the LP be solved? (1: transit, 3: strong branched, 4: w/ added logicor, 5: only leafs).",
2381 "replace branched inner nodes by their child nodes, if the number of bound changes is not to large",
2405 "reoptimization/usesplitcons", "use constraints to reconstruct the subtree pruned be dual reduction when reactivating the node",
2409 "reoptimization/varorderinterdiction", "use 'd'efault, 'r'andom or a variable ordering based on 'i'nference score for interdiction branching used during reoptimization",
2426 "maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)",
2431 "maximal relative distance from current node's dual bound to primal bound compared to best node's dual bound for applying local separation (0.0: only on current best node, 1.0: on all nodes)",
2442 &(*set)->sepa_maxcoefratiofacrowprep, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCOEFRATIOFACROWPREP, 0.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX,
2452 &(*set)->sepa_minefficacyroot, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MINEFFICACYROOT, 0.0, SCIP_INVALID/10.0,
2456 "minimum cut activity quotient to convert cuts into constraints during a restart (0.0: all cuts are converted)",
2461 "factor w.r.t. maxcuts for maximal number of cuts generated per separation round (-1.0: no limit, >= 0.0: valid finite limit)",
2462 &(*set)->sepa_maxcutsgenfactor, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTSGENFACTOR, -1.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX,
2466 "factor w.r.t. maxcutsroot for maximal number of generated cuts per separation round at the root node "
2468 &(*set)->sepa_maxcutsrootgenfactor, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_SEPA_MAXCUTSROOTGENFACTOR, -1.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX,
2517 "maximal additional number of separation rounds in subsequent price-and-cut loops (-1: no additional restriction)",
2522 "maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in local nodes (-1: no additional restriction)",
2527 "maximal number of consecutive separation rounds without objective or integrality improvement in the root node (-1: no additional restriction)",
2537 "maximal number of separated cuts per separation round at the root node (0: disable root node separation)",
2542 "maximum age a cut can reach before it is deleted from the global cut pool, or -1 to keep all cuts",
2547 "separation frequency for the global cut pool (-1: disable global cut pool, 0: only separate pool at the root)",
2611 "when adapting the synchronization frequency this value is the targeted relative difference by which the absolute gap decreases per synchronization",
2612 &(*set)->concurrent_targetprogress, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_TARGETPROGRESS, 0.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX,
2627 &(*set)->concurrent_minsyncdelay, FALSE, SCIP_DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_MINSYNCDELAY, 0.0, SCIP_REAL_MAX,
2659 "should clock checks of solving time be performed less frequently (note: time limit could be exceeded slightly)",
2952 /** creates a SCIP_Bool parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
2968 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddBool(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
2974 /** creates an int parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
2992 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddInt(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
2998 /** creates a SCIP_Longint parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
3016 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddLongint(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
3022 /** creates a SCIP_Real parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
3040 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddReal(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
3046 /** creates a char parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
3056 const char* allowedvalues, /**< array with possible parameter values, or NULL if not restricted */
3063 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddChar(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
3069 /** creates a string parameter, sets it to its default value, and adds it to the parameter set */
3085 SCIP_CALL( SCIPparamsetAddString(set->paramset, messagehdlr, blkmem, name, desc, valueptr, isadvanced,
3313 }
3494 }
3502 SCIP_Bool onlychanged /**< should only the parameters been written, that are changed from default? */
3544 * - \ref SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS_PHASEFEAS to find feasible solutions during a 3 phase solution process
3545 * - \ref SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS_PHASEIMPROVE to find improved solutions during a 3 phase solution process
3560 /** sets parameters to deactivate separators and heuristics that use auxiliary SCIP instances; should be called for
3604 {
3642 {
3695 {
3718 {
3728 }
3862 for( i = set->nconshdlrs; i > 0 && SCIPconshdlrGetCheckPriority(set->conshdlrs[i-1]) < priority; --i )
3870 for( i = set->nconshdlrs; i > 0 && SCIPconshdlrGetSepaPriority(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i-1]) < priority; --i )
3878 for( i = set->nconshdlrs; i > 0 && SCIPconshdlrGetEnfoPriority(set->conshdlrs_enfo[i-1]) < priority; --i )
3892 /** reinserts a constraint handler with modified sepa priority into the sepa priority sorted array */
3908 /* search for the old position of constraint handler; determine its new position at the same time */
3931 /* shift all constraint handlers between old and new position by one, and insert constraint handler */
3942 while( i >= 0 && strcmp(SCIPconshdlrGetName(set->conshdlrs_sepa[i]), SCIPconshdlrGetName(conshdlr)) != 0 )
3960 /* shift all constraint handlers between old and new position by one, and insert constraint handler */
3972 }
4414 {
4428 )
4475 {
4520 }
4585 }
4784 for( i = set->nnodesels; i > 0 && nodeselstdprio > SCIPnodeselGetStdPriority(set->nodesels[i-1]); --i )
4834 if( SCIPnodeselGetMemsavePriority(set->nodesels[i]) > SCIPnodeselGetMemsavePriority(set->nodesel) )
4873 }
4893 }
4955 }
4975 }
5221 BMSduplicateMemoryArray(&(set->extcodenames[set->nextcodes]), name, (int) (strlen(name)+1)); /*lint !e866*/
5224 BMSduplicateMemoryArray(&(set->extcodedescs[set->nextcodes]), description, (int) (strlen(description)+1)); /*lint !e866*/
5586 {
5624 }
5791 SCIPerrorMessage("invalid verbosity level <%d>, maximum is <%d>\n", verblevel, SCIP_VERBLEVEL_FULL);
5855 SCIP_Real relaxfeastol /**< new primal feasibility tolerance for relaxations, or SCIP_INVALID */
5861 assert(relaxfeastol >= 0.0);
5949 )
6064 /** returns the minimum value that is regarded as huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity
6116 /** returns factor w.r.t. primal feasibility tolerance that determines default (and maximal) feasibility tolerance */
6166 }
6176 }
6200 /** checks, if value is huge and should be handled separately (e.g., in activity computation) */
6204 )
6234 )
6327 )
6381 {
6392 {
6403 {
6414 {
6425 )
6443 )
6536 )
6820 /** checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is lower than dual feasibility tolerance */
6842 /** checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not greater than dual feasibility tolerance */
6864 /** checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is greater than dual feasibility tolerance */
6886 /** checks, if relative difference of val1 and val2 is not lower than -dual feasibility tolerance */
7009 /** checks, if the given new lower bound is at least min(oldub - oldlb, |oldlb|) times the bound
7027 return EPSGT(newlb, oldlb, set->num_boundstreps * MAX(MIN(oldub - oldlb, REALABS(oldlb)), 1e-3)); /*lint !e666*/
7030 /** checks, if the given new upper bound is at least min(oldub - oldlb, |oldub|) times the bound
7048 return EPSLT(newub, oldub, set->num_boundstreps * MAX(MIN(oldub - oldlb, REALABS(oldub)), 1e-3)); /*lint !e666*/
7056 )
7286 /** returns the flag indicating whether sub-SCIPs that could cause recursion have been deactivated */
7297 * This is useful, if the value, e.g., the activity of a linear constraint or the pseudo objective value, gets a high
7298 * absolute value during the optimization process which is later reduced significantly. In this case, the last digits
7300 * We dot not consider the cancellations which can occur during increasing the absolute value because they just cannot
7302 * The idea to get more reliable values is to always store the last reliable value, where increasing the absolute of
7303 * the value is viewed as preserving reliability. Then, after each update, the new absolute value can be compared
7304 * against the last reliable one with this method, checking whether it was decreased by a factor of at least
7357 SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, NULL, "%d: [%s:%d] debug: ", subscipdepth, filename, sourceline);
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value)
Definition: set.c:3547
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitprePlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:5548
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePresol(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRESOL *presol)
Definition: set.c:4149
void SCIPpricerEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_PRICER *pricer, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: pricer.c:684
internal methods for separators
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUpdateUnreliable(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newvalue, SCIP_Real oldvalue)
Definition: set.c:7386
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitsolPlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_Bool restart)
Definition: set.c:5733
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrFree(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR **conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1214
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenableReoptimization(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: scip_solve.c:3030
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetEmphasis(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS paramemphasis, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: set.c:3627
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetFix(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, SCIP_Bool fixed)
Definition: paramset.c:1916
Definition: pricer.c:234
SCIP_Bool SCIPconflicthdlrIsInitialized(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1537
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPreaderCopyInclude(SCIP_READER *reader, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: reader.c:58
Definition: struct_presol.h:46
Definition: struct_nodesel.h:61
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeEventhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr)
Definition: set.c:4799
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddChar(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, char defaultvalue, const char *allowedvalues, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1616
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6572
internal methods for managing events
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetWrite(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename, SCIP_Bool comments, SCIP_Bool onlychanged)
Definition: paramset.c:2710
SCIP_Bool SCIPbranchruleIsInitialized(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule)
Definition: branch.c:2173
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6327
void SCIPsepaEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_SEPA *sepa, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: sepa.c:828
Definition: cutsel.c:273
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcutselExitsol(SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cutsel.c:395
int SCIPnodeselGetMemsavePriority(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: nodesel.c:1096
Definition: set.c:89
Definition: set.c:515
Definition: struct_reader.h:45
void SCIPnodeselEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: nodesel.c:1219
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolver(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONCSOLVER *concsolver)
Definition: set.c:4605
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyPlugins(SCIP_SET *sourceset, SCIP_SET *targetset, SCIP_Bool copyreaders, SCIP_Bool copypricers, SCIP_Bool copyconshdlrs, SCIP_Bool copyconflicthdlrs, SCIP_Bool copypresolvers, SCIP_Bool copyrelaxators, SCIP_Bool copyseparators, SCIP_Bool copycutselectors, SCIP_Bool copypropagators, SCIP_Bool copyheuristics, SCIP_Bool copyeventhdlrs, SCIP_Bool copynodeselectors, SCIP_Bool copybranchrules, SCIP_Bool copydisplays, SCIP_Bool copydialogs, SCIP_Bool copytables, SCIP_Bool copyexprhdlrs, SCIP_Bool copynlpis, SCIP_Bool *allvalid)
Definition: set.c:939
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgBarrierconvtol(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real barrierconvtol)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:319
Definition: presol.c:239
Definition: table.c:236
void SCIPsetPrintDebugMessage(SCIP_SET *set, const char *sourcefile, int sourceline, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: set.c:7402
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrExit(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:2526
Definition: struct_scip.h:69
Definition: set.c:561
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6878
SCIP_PRICER * SCIPsetFindPricer(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:3793
SCIP_TABLE * SCIPsetFindTable(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:5082
unsigned int SCIPsetInitializeRandomSeed(SCIP_SET *set, unsigned int initialseedvalue)
Definition: set.c:7463
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpropCopyInclude(SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: prop.c:100
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsepaCopyInclude(SCIP_SEPA *sepa, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: sepa.c:79
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6667
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetRealParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Real value)
Definition: set.c:3456
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleExitsol(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1510
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeselExitsol(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: nodesel.c:988
Definition: presol.c:212
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6966
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrExit(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:216
internal methods for clocks and timing issues
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetToDefault(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *paramname)
Definition: paramset.c:2811
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6554
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCreate(SCIP_SET **set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP *scip)
Definition: set.c:1182
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrCopyInclude(SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *targetset)
Definition: expr.c:859
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeRelax(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_RELAX *relax)
Definition: set.c:4222
SCIP_EVENTHDLR * SCIPsetFindEventhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4822
Definition: set.c:174
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7322
internal methods for NLP solver interfaces
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConshdlr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: set.c:3916
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetStringParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, char **value)
Definition: set.c:3263
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetString(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4841
const char * SCIPbanditvtableGetName(SCIP_BANDITVTABLE *banditvtable)
Definition: bandit.c:282
void SCIPconcsolverTypeFree(SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE **concsolvertype)
Definition: concsolver.c:153
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetSeparating(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4283
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrCopyInclude(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:60
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBanditvtable(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BANDITVTABLE *banditvtable)
Definition: set.c:4520
Definition: set.c:3604
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsScalingIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val, SCIP_Real scalar)
Definition: set.c:6425
internal methods for displaying statistics tables
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeDialog(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_DIALOG *dialog)
Definition: set.c:5102
Definition: struct_dialog.h:45
Definition: heur.c:1028
Definition: presol.c:298
Definition: type_message.h:52
private functions to work with algebraic expressions
Definition: benders.c:2227
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpricerInitsol(SCIP_PRICER *pricer, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: pricer.c:305
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbendersExitpre(SCIP_BENDERS *benders, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: benders.c:2413
SCIP_Real SCIPsetSetRelaxfeastol(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real relaxfeastol)
Definition: set.c:5932
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6810
const char * SCIPeventhdlrGetName(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr)
Definition: event.c:324
internal methods for bandit algorithms
Definition: struct_expr.h:43
SCIP_NODESEL * SCIPsetGetNodesel(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:4893
internal methods for cut selectors
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrInitsol(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:2695
void SCIPbanditvtableFree(SCIP_BANDITVTABLE **banditvtable)
Definition: bandit.c:269
Definition: struct_message.h:45
SCIP_PRESOL * SCIPsetFindPresol(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4172
SCIP_PARAM * SCIPparamsetGetParam(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name)
Definition: paramset.c:1712
Definition: struct_paramset.h:108
internal methods for branching rules and branching candidate storage
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeselInitsol(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: nodesel.c:964
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6518
datastructures for concurrent solvers
Definition: set.c:519
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6922
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetToDefaults(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
Definition: paramset.c:2793
Definition: set.c:5212
Definition: set.c:548
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPenableOrDisableStatisticTiming(SCIP *scip)
Definition: scip_timing.c:227
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleInitsol(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1486
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrInit(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:2413
void SCIPcutselEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: cutsel.c:450
Definition: set.c:258
Definition: set.c:562
Definition: set.c:430
internal methods for handling parameter settings
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConcsolverType(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE *concsolvertype)
Definition: set.c:4563
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPheurCopyInclude(SCIP_HEUR *heur, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: heur.c:882
Definition: struct_sepa.h:46
Definition: type_message.h:57
Definition: struct_pricer.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpricerCopyInclude(SCIP_PRICER *pricer, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool *valid)
Definition: pricer.c:87
SCIP_EXPRHDLR * SCIPsetFindExprhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:5180
internal methods for LP management
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasFracIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6821
Definition: heur_padm.c:134
Definition: set.c:557
Definition: nodesel.c:934
int SCIPconshdlrGetSepaPriority(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5102
Definition: set.c:4296
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCompr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_COMPR *compr)
Definition: set.c:4725
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetStringParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value)
Definition: set.c:3532
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBenders(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BENDERS *benders)
Definition: set.c:3843
Definition: struct_conflict.h:49
Definition: set.c:340
SCIP_Bool SCIPconshdlrIsClonable(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5242
Definition: struct_benders.h:57
Definition: reader.c:139
Definition: pricer.c:274
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddCharParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, char defaultvalue, const char *allowedvalues, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3126
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6363
internal methods for propagators
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdispCopyInclude(SCIP_DISP *disp, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: disp.c:65
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetInt(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, int value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4592
Definition: struct_set.h:73
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnodeselCopyInclude(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: nodesel.c:749
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrExitsol(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1334
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEfficacious(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root, SCIP_Real efficacy)
Definition: set.c:7131
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFloor(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7045
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitPlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:5315
void SCIPreaderEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_READER *reader, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: reader.c:617
int SCIPconshdlrGetCheckPriority(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5122
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrFree(SCIP_EVENTHDLR **eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:149
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetChar(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, char value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4780
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6309
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetReadParams(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename)
Definition: set.c:3562
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetToSubscipsOff(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4106
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrCopyInclude(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool *valid)
Definition: cons.c:1982
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6536
SCIP_CONSHDLR * SCIPsetFindConshdlr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4055
Definition: set.c:4651
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgIntParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, int value)
Definition: set.c:3343
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsParamFixed(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:3171
void BMSsetBufferMemoryArraygrowinit(BMS_BUFMEM *buffer, int arraygrowinit)
Definition: memory.c:2591
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcutselCopyInclude(SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cutsel.c:255
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7344
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSubscipsOff(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: set.c:3642
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeCutsel(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel)
Definition: set.c:4370
void SCIPsetSetPriorityNlpi(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NLPI *nlpi, int priority)
Definition: set.c:5269
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbendersInitsol(SCIP_BENDERS *benders, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: benders.c:2439
void SCIPsetReinsertConshdlrSepaPrio(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, int oldpriority)
Definition: set.c:3972
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetInt(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, int *value)
Definition: paramset.c:1756
void SCIPconshdlrEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: cons.c:4702
Definition: set.c:176
Definition: struct_concsolver.h:64
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgBoolParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Bool value)
Definition: set.c:3291
SCIP_BANDITVTABLE * SCIPsetFindBanditvtable(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4542
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetReal(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Real value)
Definition: paramset.c:2042
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetBool(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Bool value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4530
Definition: struct_table.h:45
Definition: struct_cons.h:126
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetWriteParams(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename, SCIP_Bool comments, SCIP_Bool onlychanged)
Definition: set.c:3576
Definition: type_retcode.h:51
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetDefaultInt(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, int defaultvalue)
Definition: paramset.c:2234
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetBool(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, SCIP_Bool *value)
Definition: paramset.c:1724
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7256
SCIP_Bool SCIPeventhdlrIsInitialized(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr)
Definition: event.c:432
Definition: struct_compr.h:46
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7146
Definition: type_retcode.h:57
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetSeparating(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: set.c:3695
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7021
Definition: pricer.c:207
void SCIPpresolEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_PRESOL *presol, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: presol.c:685
internal methods for presolvers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleExit(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1456
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetInitsolPlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:5624
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetIntParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, int value)
Definition: set.c:3366
SCIP_RELAX * SCIPsetFindRelax(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4246
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbendersExitsol(SCIP_BENDERS *benders, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: benders.c:2472
void SCIPeventhdlrEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: event.c:442
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrInitpre(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:2569
SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR * SCIPsetFindConflicthdlr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4099
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgRealParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Real value)
Definition: set.c:3433
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetExistsDialog(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_DIALOG *dialog)
Definition: set.c:5124
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetLongint(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, SCIP_Longint *value)
Definition: paramset.c:1788
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetCreate(SCIP_PARAMSET **paramset, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem)
Definition: paramset.c:1426
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7278
Definition: set.c:526
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7190
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgLongintParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_Longint value)
Definition: set.c:3395
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetEmphasis(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMEMPHASIS paramemphasis, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:3838
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddLongint(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Longint *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Longint defaultvalue, SCIP_Longint minvalue, SCIP_Longint maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1556
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrCopyInclude(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1109
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasCeil(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7056
Definition: nodesel.c:869
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasFracIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7032
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddString(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char **valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, const char *defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1645
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6944
void SCIPpropEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: prop.c:1019
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludePricer(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_PRICER *pricer)
Definition: set.c:3770
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgDualfeastol(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real dualfeastol)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:294
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7212
internal methods for node selectors and node priority queues
Definition: type_retcode.h:42
internal methods for variable pricers
void SCIPsortPtr(void **ptrarray, SCIP_DECL_SORTPTRCOMP((*ptrcomp)), int len)
internal methods for global SCIP settings
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetReoptimizationParams(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
Definition: set.c:818
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPrelaxCopyInclude(SCIP_RELAX *relax, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: relax.c:83
SCIP main data structure.
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6755
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetHeuristics(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4211
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconcsolverDestroyInstance(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONCSOLVER **concsolver)
Definition: concsolver.c:257
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrInitsol(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:246
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetPresolving(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: set.c:3677
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsLbBetter(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newlb, SCIP_Real oldlb, SCIP_Real oldub)
Definition: set.c:7092
internal methods for relaxators
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddIntParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, int *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, int defaultvalue, int minvalue, int maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3054
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetLongint(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Longint value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4654
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6291
Definition: nodesel.c:898
int SCIPparamsetGetNParams(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset)
Definition: paramset.c:4324
SCIP_CUTSEL * SCIPsetFindCutsel(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4394
Definition: struct_heur.h:97
Definition: struct_branch.h:78
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6711
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetFeastol(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_LP *lp, SCIP_Real feastol)
Definition: set.c:5880
SCIP_Bool SCIPconshdlrNeedsCons(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5162
Definition: struct_prop.h:46
SCIP_READER * SCIPsetFindReader(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:3750
Definition: cutsel.c:304
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetLongintParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Longint value)
Definition: set.c:3418
SCIP_Bool SCIPcutselIsInitialized(SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel)
Definition: cutsel.c:545
SCIP_COMPR * SCIPsetFindCompr(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4749
Definition: set.c:4428
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbendersInitpre(SCIP_BENDERS *benders, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: benders.c:2370
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetHeuristics(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: set.c:3659
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrInit(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1242
internal methods for user interface dialog
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeTable(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_TABLE *table)
Definition: set.c:5057
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetBarrierconvtol(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real barrierconvtol)
Definition: set.c:5914
SCIP_NODESEL * SCIPsetFindNodesel(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4873
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetInt(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, int value)
Definition: paramset.c:1974
Definition: table.c:254
Definition: relax.c:305
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetReal(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, SCIP_Real *value)
Definition: paramset.c:1820
void BMSsetBufferMemoryArraygrowfac(BMS_BUFMEM *buffer, double arraygrowfac)
Definition: memory.c:2579
Definition: cutsel.c:341
internal methods for input file readers
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetIntParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, int *value)
Definition: set.c:3207
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExternalCode(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, const char *description)
Definition: set.c:5283
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpricerExitsol(SCIP_PRICER *pricer, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: pricer.c:329
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetDefaultBool(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue)
Definition: paramset.c:2203
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetCopyParams(SCIP_SET *sourceset, SCIP_SET *targetset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
Definition: set.c:1165
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetString(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, char **value)
Definition: paramset.c:1884
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasFrac(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7078
void SCIPbranchruleEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: branch.c:2059
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetBool(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Bool value)
Definition: paramset.c:1940
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrInitsol(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1310
Definition: benders.c:1287
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7168
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetCopyParams(SCIP_PARAMSET *sourceparamset, SCIP_PARAMSET *targetparamset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr)
Definition: paramset.c:4338
SCIP_Real SCIPsetDualfeasRound(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7067
void SCIPsetDebugMessagePrint(SCIP_SET *set, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: set.c:7446
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetPresolving(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAMSETTING paramsetting, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4247
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPtableCopyInclude(SCIP_TABLE *table, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: table.c:55
void SCIPheurEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_HEUR *heur, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: heur.c:1619
void SCIPrelaxEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_RELAX *relax, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: relax.c:606
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultBoolParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue)
Definition: set.c:3328
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddStringParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, char **valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, const char *defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3149
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetCharParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, char value)
Definition: set.c:3494
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumNegative(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6612
Definition: type_set.h:54
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPchgFeastol(SCIP *scip, SCIP_Real feastol)
Definition: scip_numerics.c:253
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeNodesel(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: set.c:4842
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpricerActivate(SCIP_PRICER *pricer, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: pricer.c:353
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6689
int SCIPconshdlrGetEnfoPriority(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5112
SCIP_Bool SCIPconshdlrIsInitialized(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr)
Definition: cons.c:5232
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumEQ(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6500
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddInt(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, int *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, int defaultvalue, int minvalue, int maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1526
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetCharParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, char *value)
Definition: set.c:3249
void SCIPsetEnableOrDisablePluginClocks(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool enabled)
Definition: set.c:876
public methods for NLP solver interfaces
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasPositive(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6999
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetRealParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Real *value)
Definition: set.c:3235
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrExitpre(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: cons.c:2655
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetString(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value)
Definition: paramset.c:2110
Definition: type_set.h:48
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumPositive(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6601
Definition: type_set.h:44
int SCIPconcsolverGetIdx(SCIP_CONCSOLVER *concsolver)
Definition: concsolver.c:623
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPdialogCopyInclude(SCIP_DIALOG *dialog, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: dialog.c:318
internal methods for conflict analysis
SCIP_BENDERS * SCIPsetFindBenders(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:3866
internal methods for tree compressions
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetResetParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:3592
void SCIPmessageVFPrintInfo(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file, const char *formatstr, va_list ap)
Definition: message.c:633
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgParamFixed(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool fixed)
Definition: set.c:3277
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxCoefRatioRowprep(SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: set.c:6001
Definition: struct_lp.h:269
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeBranchrule(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule)
Definition: set.c:4931
Definition: struct_disp.h:45
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleInit(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1412
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleCopyInclude(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1247
Definition: set.c:564
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpresolCopyInclude(SCIP_PRESOL *presol, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: presol.c:84
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddReal(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Real *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Real defaultvalue, SCIP_Real minvalue, SCIP_Real maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1586
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeExprhdlr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_EXPRHDLR *exprhdlr)
Definition: set.c:5146
const char * SCIPconflicthdlrGetName(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1493
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsSumRelLE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7300
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrExitsol(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:270
Definition: set.c:447
void SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, FILE *file, const char *formatstr,...)
Definition: message.c:618
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6345
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddLongintParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Longint *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Longint defaultvalue, SCIP_Longint minvalue, SCIP_Longint maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3078
internal methods for problem statistics
const char * SCIPbranchruleGetName(SCIP_BRANCHRULE *branchrule)
Definition: branch.c:1971
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPbranchruleFree(SCIP_BRANCHRULE **branchrule, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: branch.c:1385
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeReader(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_READER *reader)
Definition: set.c:3728
SCIP_Real SCIPsetGetSepaMaxcutsGenFactor(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root)
Definition: set.c:5973
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrExitsol(SCIP_CONSHDLR *conshdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_STAT *stat, SCIP_Bool restart)
Definition: cons.c:2735
SCIP_BRANCHRULE * SCIPsetFindBranchrule(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4955
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasPositive(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6788
Definition: set.c:173
Definition: set.c:6026
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPexprhdlrFree(SCIP_EXPRHDLR **exprhdlr, SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem)
Definition: expr.c:340
void SCIPparamsetFree(SCIP_PARAMSET **paramset, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem)
Definition: paramset.c:1446
Definition: benders.c:1983
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetRead(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *filename)
Definition: paramset.c:2660
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetLongint(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Longint value)
Definition: paramset.c:2008
internal methods for constraints and constraint handlers
void SCIPconflicthdlrEnableOrDisableClocks(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_Bool enable)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1547
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSetChar(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, char value)
Definition: paramset.c:2076
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpresolExitpre(SCIP_PRESOL *presol, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: presol.c:364
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDefaultIntParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, int defaultvalue)
Definition: set.c:3381
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetDualfeastol(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real dualfeastol)
Definition: set.c:5901
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasZero(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6988
Definition: type_set.h:53
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasGT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6733
SCIP_Bool SCIPparamsetIsFixed(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name)
Definition: paramset.c:1690
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgStringParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, const char *value)
Definition: set.c:3509
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetLongintParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Longint *value)
Definition: set.c:3221
Definition: set.c:5861
Definition: struct_relax.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetGetChar(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, const char *name, char *value)
Definition: paramset.c:1852
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetChgCharParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_PARAM *param, char value)
Definition: set.c:3471
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconflicthdlrExit(SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: conflict_graphanalysis.c:1279
SCIP_PARAM ** SCIPparamsetGetParams(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset)
Definition: paramset.c:4314
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetSet(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, const char *value, SCIP_Bool fix)
Definition: paramset.c:2144
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsUbBetter(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real newub, SCIP_Real oldlb, SCIP_Real oldub)
Definition: set.c:7113
Definition: struct_stat.h:59
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasNegative(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:7010
Definition: struct_concsolver.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamsetAddBool(SCIP_PARAMSET *paramset, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: paramset.c:1499
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPparamSetReal(SCIP_PARAM *param, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, SCIP_Real value, SCIP_Bool initialize, SCIP_Bool quiet)
Definition: paramset.c:4716
common defines and data types used in all packages of SCIP
Definition: struct_cutsel.h:46
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPconshdlrFree(SCIP_CONSHDLR **conshdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cons.c:2368
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddRealParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Real *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Real defaultvalue, SCIP_Real minvalue, SCIP_Real maxvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3102
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitPlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:5436
internal methods for primal heuristics
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetGetBoolParam(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name, SCIP_Bool *value)
Definition: set.c:3193
Definition: objbenders.h:43
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetExitprePlugins(SCIP_SET *set, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, SCIP_STAT *stat)
Definition: set.c:5586
Definition: set.c:502
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsRelGE(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:7234
int SCIPnodeselGetStdPriority(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: nodesel.c:1072
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetAddBoolParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, BMS_BLKMEM *blkmem, const char *name, const char *desc, SCIP_Bool *valueptr, SCIP_Bool isadvanced, SCIP_Bool defaultvalue, SCIP_DECL_PARAMCHGD((*paramchgd)), SCIP_PARAMDATA *paramdata)
Definition: set.c:3032
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsDualfeasLT(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val1, SCIP_Real val2)
Definition: set.c:6900
Definition: struct_bandit.h:47
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetIncludeConflicthdlr(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_CONFLICTHDLR *conflicthdlr)
Definition: set.c:4075
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetSetBoolParam(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *messagehdlr, const char *name, SCIP_Bool value)
Definition: set.c:3313
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFracIntegral(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6443
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPnlpiCopyInclude(SCIP_NLPI *sourcenlpi, SCIP_SET *targetset)
Definition: nlpi.c:167
Definition: set.c:546
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpresolInitpre(SCIP_PRESOL *presol, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: presol.c:329
Definition: set.c:5005
SCIP_Bool SCIPnodeselIsInitialized(SCIP_NODESEL *nodesel)
Definition: nodesel.c:1209
SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE * SCIPsetFindConcsolverType(SCIP_SET *set, const char *name)
Definition: set.c:4585
Definition: struct_event.h:204
SCIP callable library.
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPcutselInitsol(SCIP_CUTSEL *cutsel, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: cutsel.c:371
SCIP_Bool SCIPsetIsFeasNegative(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Real val)
Definition: set.c:6799
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPpropExitsol(SCIP_PROP *prop, SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool restart)
Definition: prop.c:494
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPeventhdlrInit(SCIP_EVENTHDLR *eventhdlr, SCIP_SET *set)
Definition: event.c:180
char * SCIPconcsolverTypeGetName(SCIP_CONCSOLVERTYPE *concsolvertype)
Definition: concsolver.c:190
Definition: relax.c:329
int SCIPsetGetPriceMaxvars(SCIP_SET *set, SCIP_Bool root)
Definition: set.c:5959
internal methods for displaying runtime statistics
Definition: struct_nlpi.h:46