

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

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1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the program and library */
4 /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */
5 /* */
6 /* Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7 /* */
8 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11 /* */
12 /* */
13 /* */
14 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18 /* limitations under the License. */
19 /* */
20 /* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21 /* along with SCIP; see the file LICENSE. If not visit */
22 /* */
23 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /**@file cutsel_ensemble.h
26  * @ingroup CUTSELECTORS
27  * @brief ensemble cut selector
28  * @author Mark Turner
29  *
30  * This cut selector is based on the paper:
31  * M. Turner, T. Berthold, and M. Besançon. @n
32  * A Context-Aware Cutting Plane Selection Algorithm for Mixed-Integer Programming.@n
33  * arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.07322 (2023).
34  *
35  * The ensemble cut selector scores cuts by using a weighted sum of normalised efficacy,
36  * normalised directed cutoff distance (only at the root node), normalised expected objective improvement,
37  * objective parallelism, integer support, density, dynamism, normalised pseudo-costs, and normalised number of locks.
38  * It also has a variety of filtering methods. If density filtering is enabled, then it filters all cuts before
39  * scoring over some relative density threshold. After scoring, it selects the cuts with the highest score,
40  * where after each selection, the remaining cuts are either filtered or penalised via parallelism checks.
41  * Whether the cuts are filtered or penalised is a users choice.
42  * The algorithm terminates when some limit of selected cuts is reached, there are no cuts remaining to select,
43  * or the score of all remaining cuts is below minscore.
44  *
45  * If a cut is given by \f$ a^T x \leq b \f$, then
46  * - the efficacy is defined as the distance between the LP solution and the hyperplane \f$ a^T x = b \f$.
47  * It is normalised by the largest efficacy from the given array of cuts. ((log(eff(cut) + 1) / log(maxeff + 1))**2 ;
48  * - the directed cutoff distance is defined as the distance between the LP solution and the hyperplane \f$ a^T x = b \f$
49  * restricted to the line segment joining the LP solution to the currently best primal solution; therefore, it is only
50  * defined when a primal solution is available. It is normalised by the largest cutoff distance from the
51  * given array of cuts. ((log(dcd(cut) + 1) / log(maxdcd + 1))**2;
52  * - the objective parallelism is how parallel the vector \f$ a \f$ is w.r.t. the objective function \f$ c \f$. That
53  * is, the objective parallelism is given by \f$ \frac{a^T c}{\|a\| \|c\|} \f$. Notice that the vectors are parallel
54  * when this formula returns 1;
55  * - the expected objective improvement is defined by the difference of the objective evaluated at the LP solution
56  * and when evaluated at the orthogonal projection onto the cut. As we normalise the value, we remove the
57  * objective vector multiplication from its calculation. We calculate it as efficacy * objective parallelism.
58  * We also normalise it according to the equation ((log(expimprov(cut) + 1) / log(maxexpimprov + 1))**2;
59  * - the integer support of a cut is the ratio between the number of nonzero integer columns and the number of nonzero
60  * columns.
61  * - the density of a cut is the ratio of non-zero entries divided by the number of columns in the LP;
62  * - the dynamism of a cut is the ratio between the maximum absolute value over all coefficients and the
63  * minimum absolute value over all coefficients. If this ratio is below a threshold, we give the cut a flat reward
64  * for good numerics;
65  * - the pseudo-cost score of the cut is the pseudo-cost score of each variable with non-zero coefficient in the cut
66  * multiplied by the distance in that variable dimension to the orthogonal projection of the LP solution onto
67  * the cut. We normalise the result by the maximum over all cuts: pscost / maxpscost
68  * - the number of variable locks for a cut is the average amount of locks attached to variables with
69  * non-zero coefficients in the cut. We normalise the result by the maximum over all cuts: numlocks / maxnumlocks
70  *
71  * These features of a cut can be recovered and/or computed with the functions @ref SCIPgetCutEfficacy(), @ref
72  * SCIPgetCutLPSolCutoffDistance(), @ref SCIPgetRowObjParallelism(), and @ref SCIPgetRowNumIntCols(), @ref
73  * SCIProwGetNNonz(), @ref SCIProwGetVals(), @ref SCIProwGetCols(), @ref SCIPgetVarPseudocostScore(),
74  * @ref SCIPvarGetNLocksUp(), @ref SCIPvarGetNLocksDown().
75  *
76  * The filtering (density) works as follows:
77  * The non-forced cuts are scanned through, and any cut over a density threshold (0,1) is dropped from
78  * consideration.
79  *
80  * The filtering / penalise (parallelism) step works as follows:
81  * First, the forced cuts --- cuts that are going to enter the LP no matter what --- are used to filter / penalise
82  * the non-forced cuts. This means that for each forced cut, @p fcut, the parallelism between @p fcut and
83  * every non-forced cut, @p cut, is computed (the parallelism between two cuts \f$ a^T x \leq b \f$ and \f$ d^T x \leq e\f$
84  * is \f$ \frac{a^T d}{\|a\| \|d\|} \f$).
85  * If the parallelism with @p fcut is larger or equal than some maximum threshold then it is either removed from
86  * consideration (if filter by parallelism), or its score is decreased (if penalise by parallelism).
87  * If the score drops below some threshold @p minscore, then the cut is removed from consideration.
88  * Each time a cut is selected (which is always greedily w.r.t. the scores), the same filtering procedure for
89  * parallelism described above is run.
90  *
91  * @note The maximum parallelism is a parameter that can be set, as well as the weights for the score.
92  *
93  * @note In the case of no primal solution, the weight assigned to the directed cutoff distance is transferred to the
94  * efficacy.
95  */
97 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
100 #define __SCIP_CUTSEL_ENSEMBLE_H__
103 #include "scip/scip.h"
105 #ifdef __cplusplus
106 extern "C" {
107 #endif
109 /** creates the ensemble separator and includes it in SCIP
110  *
111  * @ingroup CutSelectorIncludes
112  */
115  SCIP* scip /**< SCIP data structure */
116 );
118 /**@addtogroup CUTSELECTORS
119  *
120  * @{
121  */
123 /** perform a cut selection algorithm for the given array of cuts
124  *
125  * This is the selection method of the ensemble cut selector. It uses a weighted sum of normalised efficacy,
126  * normalised directed cutoff distance, normalised expected improvements, objective parallelism,
127  * integer support, sparsity, dynamism, pseudo-costs, and variable locks.
128  * In addition to the weighted sum score, there are optionally parallelism-based filtering and penalties,
129  * and density filtering.
130  * There are also additional budget constraints on the number of cuts that should be added.
131  * The input cuts array gets re-sorted such that the selected cuts come first and the remaining ones are the end.
132  */
135  SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */
136  SCIP_ROW** cuts, /**< array with cuts to perform selection algorithm */
137  SCIP_ROW** forcedcuts, /**< array with forced cuts */
138  SCIP_CUTSELDATA* cutseldata, /**< cut selector data */
139  SCIP_Bool root, /**< whether we are currently at the root node or not */
140  int ncuts, /**< number of cuts in cuts array */
141  int nforcedcuts, /**< number of forced cuts */
142  int maxselectedcuts, /**< maximal number of cuts from cuts array to select */
143  int* nselectedcuts /**< pointer to return number of selected cuts from cuts array */
144 );
146 /** @} */
148 #ifdef __cplusplus
149 }
150 #endif
152 #endif
Definition: type_cutsel.h:53
Definition: type_retcode.h:63
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPselectCutsEnsemble(SCIP *scip, SCIP_ROW **cuts, SCIP_ROW **forcedcuts, SCIP_CUTSELDATA *cutseldata, SCIP_Bool root, int ncuts, int nforcedcuts, int maxselectedcuts, int *nselectedcuts)
#define SCIP_Bool
Definition: def.h:91
SCIP_RETCODE SCIPincludeCutselEnsemble(SCIP *scip)
SCIP callable library.