

Solving Constraint Integer Programs


^V\}.] Suppose a user wants to implement a constraint handler cons_stableset that enforces a solution to define a stable set in \(G\), e.g., by propagation methods and separating edge and clique inequalities. Then, the symmetries of the constraint are the weight-preserving automorphisms of the underlying graph \(G\). The symmetry detection graph thus can be almost a copy of \(G\).

In our construction, we introduce for each node \(v\) of the graph an operator node \(v'\). Moreover, for each edge \(\{u,v\}\in E\), we add the edges \(\{u',v'\}\) to the symmetry detection graph. To identify the symmetry detection graph as derived from cons_stableset, we add a constraint node that is connected with all operator nodes, which preserves the automorphisms of \(G\). Finally, each node \(v'\) is connected with the corresponding variable node for \(x_v\) by an edge.

In the following, we present a code snippet showing how to implement the above mentioned symmetry detection graph. We assume that the constraint data consdata contains the following fields

  • nnodes number of nodes in graph;
  • nedges number of edges in graph;
  • first array containing the first nodes of each edge;
  • second array containing the second nodes of each edge;
  • weights array containing for each node its corresponding weight;
  • vars array containing a binary variable for each node modeling whether node is present in stable set.

The code for creating the symmetry detection callback could then look like this.

#define NODEOP 1
SCIP_CONSDATA* consdata;
int* idx;
int vidx;
int nnodes;
int v;
consdata = SCIPconsGetData(cons);
nnodes = consdata->nnodes;
SCIP_CALL( SCIPallocBufferArray(scip, &idx, nnodes + 1) );
// create operator nodes and constraint node
for( v = 0; v < nnodes; ++v )
SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddSymgraphOpnode(scip, graph, NODEOP, &idx[v]) );
SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddSymgraphConsnode(scip, graph, cons, 0.0, 0.0, &idx[nnodes]) );
// add edges of underlying graph
for( v = 0; v < consdata->nedges; ++v )
SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddSymgraphEdge(scip, graph, idx[consdata->first[v]], idx[consdata->second[v]], FALSE, 0.0) );
// connect nodes with constraint node
for( v = 0; v < nnodes; ++v )
SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddSymgraphEdge(scip, graph, idx[v], nodeidx[nnodes], FALSE, 0.0) );
// connect operator nodes with variable nodes, assign edges weight of node
for( v = 0; v < nnodes; ++v )
vidx = SCIPgetSymgraphVarnodeidx(scip, graph, consdata->vars[v]);
SCIP_CALL( SCIPaddSymgraphEdge(scip, graph, idx[v], vidx, TRUE, consdata->weights[v]) );
SCIPfreeBufferArray(scip, &idx);
return SCIP_OKAY;
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